and we all rode & called upon Orson Pratts family & spent a few
moments with them we also rode through the city & called upon the
Mayor A. O. Smoot & took some Home made wine with him we also
called upon Govornor Durkee who greeted us with Great welcome
we then went to Elder John Taylor's & took dinner with him there we
seperated. I spent the Evening at the Historians office writing the proced-
ings of the day & listning to G. A. Smith giving his views of the
dividing the Earth in the days of peleg [Genesis 10:25] & the kind of Barges the
Jaredites made to cross the ocian in to the Land of America [Ether 2:16-17] &
many items of the History of the JareditesNephits & Lamanits
~ Tuesday
2nd I met with the council in the Afternoon
~ Wednesday
3rd I received a letter from Ann Cossett to her sister Betsey I wrote
Ann Cossett a letter I spent the Evening with Brother & Sister Alvord
& found Brother Alvord had met with an accident He fell from the top of
an Hay stack & hurt his head & shoulder I administered to him
7. Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
~ Monday
8 I spent the day in the counci
98 I Attended the dedication of the City Hall at 11 oclok it was
an interesting day G A SmG Q Cannon made the dedication prayer
in the Evening we partook of a supper & had a dance
14. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended meeting in the After-
noon E. T. Benson spoke. I met with the Twelve in the Evening for prayer
& preached in the 9 ward
~ Monday
15 ^^ I spent the day in the council I wrote a letter to Azmon Woodruff
~ Tuesday
16. I spent the day in the council
~ Wednesday
17. I spent the day in council Attended a feast at Joseph Horns 6 {o'clock}
and we all rode & called upon Orson Pratts family & spent a few
moments with them we also rode through the city & called upon the
Mayor A. O. Smoot & took some Home made wine with him we then
called upon Govornor Durkee who greeted us with Great welcome
we then went to Elder John Taylor's & took dinner with him there we
separated. I spent the Evening at the Historians office writing the procedings of the day & listening to G. A. Smith giving his views of the
dividing the Earth in the days of peleg & the kind of Barges the
Jaredites made to cross the ocian in to the Land of America &
many items of the History of the Jaredites Nephits & Lamanits
~ Tuesday
2nd I met with the council in the Afternoon
~ Wednesday
3rd FIGURES I received a letter from Anna Cossett to her sister Betsey. I wrote
Ann Cossett a letter I spent the Evening with Brother & Sister Alvord
& found Brother Alvord had met with an accident He fell from the top of
an Hay stack & hurt his head & shoulder I administered to him
~ Thursday
4. I spent the forenoon in the Legislator & wrote a letter to I. F. Carter
~ Friday
[FIGURE] 5. [FIGURE] I spent the day in the council & wrote to Luther Scammans. we met
in Joint session & Elected our Territorial Officers
7. Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
~ Monday
8 [FIGURE] I Attended the dedication of the City Hall at 11 oclok it was
an interesting day G Q Cannon made the dedication prayer
in the Evening we partook of a supper & had a dance
14. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended meeting in the Afternoon E. T. Benson spoke. I met with the Twelve in the Evening for prayer
& preached in the 9 ward
~ Monday
15 I spent the day in the council
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] 16. I spent the day in the council
~ Wednesday
17. I spent the day in council Attended a feast at Joseph Horns 6 {shorthand}
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 1, 1866 - January 17, 1866, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,