25. President Young & company returned home to day I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & C. C. Rich was with
me we gave Ezra Pettit & wife his seconed Anointing
C. C. Rich officiated.
~ Tuesday
26. I met at the Prayer room & we Expected Daniel
Miller but He did not come, so we did not anoint any
one we read History
~ Wednesday
27. I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & we gave John Neff his seconed anointing W. Woodruff officiated
we read History a part of the day
29. I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & I anointed Martin H. Peck & 3 living wives & 2 Proxeys to their seconed
Anointing yesterday A Danish Brother fall from a
staging in the new Tabernacle 50 feet struck on a spring
pine board runing out from a pile of Lumber but it did
not injure him a great deal. Sister Godby had a vary
interesting dream during Febuary which was published
in the Times & SeasonsDeserett News of March 27
it has been read by many with great interest yesterday
A Brother ^George^ Davis that drives a city Job cart Asked
Brother Cram if he thought the dream was true he said
he thought it was He then said I fell like going into the spirit
world to see this Brother George Davis read this dream 3
times to his wife & then ^said^ told her If I should die to night
25. President Young & company returned home to day I met
[FIGURE] at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & C. C. Rich was with
me we gave Ezra Pettit & wife his seconed Anointing
C. C. Rich officiated.
~ Tuesday
26. I met at the Prayer room & we Expected Daniel
Miller but He did not come, so we did not anoint any
one we read History
~ Wednesday
27. FIGURES I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & we gave
John Neff his seconed anointing W. Woodruff officiated
we read History a part of the day
29. [FIGURE] I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & I anointed
Martin H. Peck & 3 living wives & 2 Proxeys to their seconed
Anointing yesterday A Danish Brother fall from a
staging in the new Tabernacle 50 feet struck on a spring
pine board runing out from a pile of Lumber but it did
not injure him a great deal. Sister Godby had a vary
interesting dream during Febuary which was published
in the Deserett News of March 27
it has been read by many with great interest yesterday
A Brother George Davis that drives a city Job cart Asked
Brother Cram if he thought the dream was true he said
he thought it was He then said I felt like going into the spirit
world to see this Brother George Davis read this dream 3
times to his wife & then said to her If I should die to night
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," March 24, 1867 - March 29, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zp7Y