or to morrow it would be all right. Brother Davis
went Early this morning with another Man into a
Bank of gravel near Brother Kimballs to get a load
of sand he began to dig with a Bank of Earth over
his head He was warned By his companion not
to do it, but He said he thought the Bank would not
fall, but He had not flung out but a few shovels full
untill the bank fell upon him & buried him up abot 2 feet deep his companion dug him out as soon as
he could but he was dead. I have been called upon
to preach his Funeral Sermon tomorrow he was
Born in Wilton, Wiltshire England was 27 years old
31. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning And
attended Meeting in the forenoon in the TabernacleG Q Cannon
Preached. I preached Brother Davis Funeral Sernom in
the afternoon John Taylor preached in the Afternoon in
the Tabernacle I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer in
the Evening I took supper with President Young in the Evening
~ Monday
April 1. I wrote a letter to Brother Ashman I met with G A Smith at the Prayer room & I Anointed Thomas S. Smith
& his wives to their seconed Anointing
~ Tuesday
2 I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith
Anointed Daniel Miller & 5 wives to their seconed Anointing
~ Wednesday
3rd I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & I anointed Henry Bigler & wife to their seconed Anointing & spent the
rest of the day pruning my orchard
~ Thursday
4. G. A. Smith gave Brother Teasdale & wife his second
Anointing. I went to my fieelld & sowed 5 Acres of wheat &
returned home
March 29, 1867
or to morrow it would be all right. Brother Davis
went Early this morning with another Man into a
Bank of gravel near Brother Kimballs to get a load
of sand he began to dig with a Bank of Earth over
his head. He was warned By his companion not
to do it, but He said he thought the Bank would not
fall, but He had not flung out but a few shovels full
untill the bank fell upon him & buried him up abot
[FIGURE] 2 feet deep his companion dug him out as soon as
he could but he was dead. I have been called upon
to preach his Funeral Sermon to morrow he was
Born in wilton, wiltshire England was 27 years old
~ Saturday
[FIGURE] 30. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowment to 37. H C Kimball sealed 2 couple
G Q Cannon 5 & W Woodruff 13 I met at the Prayer room
at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith gave Levi Evans Riter & 3 wives
their Seconed Anointings I received 3 Letters from Brother
FIGURES Ashman & one from Brother Benzon I wrote a
peace for the Juvinile Instructor
~ Sunday
31. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning And
attended Meeting in the forenoon in the TabernacleG. Q. Cannon
Preached. I Preached Brother Davis Funeral sernom in
the afternoon. John Taylor preached in the Afternoon in
the Tabernacle I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer in
the Evening I took Supper with President Young in the Evening
~ Monday
April 1. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Brother Ashman I met with
G A Smith at the Prayer room & I Anointed Thomas S Smith& his wives to their seconed Anointing
~ Tuesday
2 [FIGURE] I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith
Anointed Daniel Miller & 5 wives to their seconed Anointing
~ Wednesday
3rd [FIGURE] I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & I anointed
Henry Bigler & wife to their seconed Anointing & spent the
rest of the day pruning my orchard
~ Thursday
4. [FIGURE] G. A. Smith gave Brother Teasdale & wife his second
Anointing. I went to my field & sowed 5 Acres of wheat &
returned home
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," March 29, 1867 - April 4, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ADMO