Mrs WoodruffsBirth day is 63 years old to day I went to the
Field & sowed with a Hand sower 10 Acres of wheat & was vary
weary at night I also done some ploughing in the afternoon
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
9 & 10. I ploughed 2 1/2 acres & sowed 3 acres to wheat total 13.
~ Friday
11. A Hard stormy day snowed & Hailed I took to Mill wheat
& corn to be ground I shot a sage Hen & returned home
~ Saturday
12 I Had a severe cold on my lungs But I went to mill to get
my grist & shot 3 sage Hens & 2 prairie chickings then came to
the city But did not get home in time to attend the school of the
Prophets 20 Miles
~ Sunday
13. Sunday we had the worst snow storm of the season it blew
hard & vary cold I did not attend Meeting in the Morning But
did in the the afternoon Brother Bywater spoke in the Morning & L. W. Hardy & John Pack in the Afternoon they spoke of ther mission in the States, the unbelief, Hardness of Hart, & wickedness
of the people I received 2 letters one from Mueller & one from Harriet Woodruff. I visited Brother Pettit family & Bishop Hoagland
He is getting Better I met with D. H. Wells & the 12 for prayer
it was a terrible cold night
15 March I went to the field & made fence post I received A Letter from Betsey Alvard which I received stated
that she had not received the letter or $10 in Money which
I sent By Richard Barrett I wrote 3 letters to Betsey Alvard
~ Tuesday
March 8, 1870
Mrs WoodruffsBirth day is 63 years old to day I went to the
Field & sowed with a Hand sower 10 Acres of wheat & was vary
weary at night I also done some ploughing in the afternoon
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
9 & 10. I ploughed 2 1/2 acres & sowed 3 acres to wheat total 13.
~ Friday
11. A Hard stormy day snowed & Hailed I took to Mill wheat
& corn to be ground I shot a sage Hen & returned home
~ Saturday
12 I Had a severe cold on my lungs But I went to mill to get
my grist & shot 3 sage Hens & 2 prairie chickings then came to
the City But did not get home in time to attend the school of the
Prophets 20 Miles
~ Sunday
13. Sunday we had the worst snow storm of the season it blew
hard & vary cold I did not attend Meeting in the Morning But
did in the the afternoon Brother Bywater spoke in the Morning &
L. W. Hardy & John Pack in the Afternoon they spoke of ther
[FIGURE] mission in the States, the unbelief, Hardness of Hart, & wickedness
of the people I received 2 letters one from Mueller & one from
Harriet Woodruff. I visited Brother Pettit family & Bishop Hoagland
He is getting Better I met with D. H. Wells & the 12 for prayer
It was a terrible cold night
15 March I went to the field & made fence post I received
FIGURES A Letter from Betsey Alvard which I received stated
that she had not received the letter or $10 in Money which
I sent By Richard Barrett I wrote 3 letters to Betsey Alvard
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," March 8, 1870 - March 15, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,