State House cost 2500 $2,500,000. Went to the top of it 280
feet High, whare we had a good view of the city. We visited
their Money vaults. After going through the building we
visited the Races. Two Double teams run & made their mile
in 2.47, 2.46, & 2.45. Another troting Match in single Harnes
when Lady Blanchard distanced the other two & drew $500
time 2.26 1/4 The fastest in the state. The third race was pacing
time 2.31. We visited the pavilion in the Evening & herd an
address delivered By Mr Read the President of the society
and also visited the fruit & fair in General 15 M[iles].
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday we attended the Catholic church in the morning
and heard Father Caleham Preach a vary good practical
discourse. We attended the Methodist Sunday school in the
afternoon & Bible Class. We tried to attend a Baptist
church in the Evening but the street cars disappointed us
~ Monday
23rd We attended the stock ground in the Morning & saw
a vary fine exhibition of Blooded & graded Horses, also
of Horn stock, short horn Durham, Devon, Alderny &
Jersey one graded Durham cow was said to weigh
23 hundred lbs. We visited the swine Berkshire Essex &
Poland China but not a white hog in the fair, we also saw
a vary fine collection of sheep cotswolds, spanish
& French Marino, & some fine goats. We attended the
races at 1 oclok. Dr Clayton M.D. was with us today
He was the leader of the Bible class. The first race was 2 Miles
in 3.40 3/4. 2nd Troting race. 5 troted 2.34. Next pacing race
2.21 & we returned to our Hotel got supper & went to the pavilion
it was a vary crouded house 10 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
24. We went to the stock ground with Wm Jennings visited
the stock in the grounds stalls. He went home we stoped & saw
them parraded we saw more race Blooded, & troting stock
than I ever saw before gathered together & the finest cattle show
we attended the races in the Afternoon 6 Horses troted in sulky
at a time 2.30. We visited the pavilion we were satisfied
that we could beat Calafornia in Apples Potatoes & many other
things we saw a good deal of Machinery 15 M[iles]
State House cost $2,500,000. Went to the top of it 280
feet High, whare we had a good view of the City we visited
their Money vaults After going through the building we
visited the Races. Two Double teams rum & made their mile
in 2.47, 2.46, & 2.45 Another troting Match in single Harness
when Lady Blanchard distanced the other two & drew $500
time 2.26 1/4 The fastest in the State. The third race was pacing
time 2.31. We visited the pavilion in the Evening & herd an
address delivered By Mr Read the President of the society
and also visited the fruit & fair in General 15 Miles.
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday we attended the Catholic Church in the morning
and heard Father Caleham Preach a vary good practical
discourse. We attended the Methodist sunday school in the
afternoon & Bible Class. We tried to attend a Baptist
Church in the Evening but the street cars disappointed us
~ Monday
23rd We attended the stock ground in the Morning & saw
a vary fine Exhibition of Blooded & graded Horses, also
of Horn Stock, short horn Durham, Devon, Aldeny &
Jersey one graded Durham Cow was said to weigh
23 hundred lbs. We visited the swine Berkshire Essex &
Poland China but not a white hog in the fair, we also saw
a vary fine collection of Sheep cotswolch, spanish
& French Marino, & some fine goats. We attended the
Races at 1 oclok. Dr Clayton M.D. was with us today
He was the leader of the Bible Class. The first Race was 2 Miles
in 3.40 3/4. 2nd Troting race, 5 troted 2.34. Next pacing race
2.21. We returned to our Hotel got supper & went to the pavilion
It was a vary crouded house 10 Miles
~ Tuesday
24. We went to the Stock ground with Wm Jennings visited
the stock in the stalls. He went home we stoped & saw
them parraded we saw more race blooded, & troting stock
than I ever saw before gathered to gether & the finest Cattle Show
we attended the races in the Afternoon 6 Horses troted in sulky
at a time 2.30. We visited the pavilion we were satisfied
that we could beat Caloforniain in Apples Potatoes & many other
things we saw a good deal of Machinery 15 Miles
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 21, 1872 - September 24, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,