Sunday we held a meeting in the Bowery at Willow
Creek at 10 oclok W. Woodruff opened by prayer G. A. Smith spoke 47 minutes G. Q. Cannon 40 & President B Young 8 minutes Afternoon President Young spok
68 minutes & W Woodruff 15 minutes A Cahoon spoke
a few moments at the close of the meeting we rode home 18 [miles]
~ Monday
29 I comm[enc]ed cutting wheat to day ^G A S Anointed Wm D Pratt & wife^
Aug 1st I Anointed Zebedee Hallam I spent most of the
day Harvesting
~ Friday
2nd G A Smith Anointed Richard Golightly & 3 wives
I finished Harvesting to day I put up 10 Acres of wheat 10 of oats
~ Saturday
3rd I went to the Prayer room at 8 oclok G A Smith Anointed
[blank] MC Donald & 3 wives I went to the Endowment Hous
we gave Endowments to 10 W Woodruff sealed 9 couple I met
at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & I Anointed Absolam Smith & 4 wives I went to the Theater in the Evening
& herd the celebrated Coledock play the old man in the willow
7. I Anointed Benjamin Kimball Bullock & wives &
went to the farm & started Wilford & Keets to the coal Beds
& I spent the Afternoon raking & Binding wheat for Tufts
~ Sunday
July 28, 1867
Sunday we held a meeting in the Bowery at willow
creek at 10 oclok W. Woodruff opened by Prayer
G. A. Smith spoke 47 minutes G. Q. Cannon 40 & President
B Young 8 minutes Afternoon President Young spok
68 minutes & W Woodruff 15 minutes A Cahoon spoke
a few moments at the close of the meeting we rode home 18 miles
~ Monday
29 I commenced cutting wheat to day G A S Anointed Wm D Pratt & wife
Aug 1st I Anointed Zebedee Hallam. I spent most of the
day Harvesting
~ Friday
2nd G A Smith Anointed Richard Golightly & 3 wives
I finished Harvesting to day I put up 10 Acres of wheat 10 of oats
~ Saturday
3rd I went to the Prayer room at 8 oclok G A Smith Anointed
[blank] MC Donald & 3 wives I went to the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 10 W Woodruff sealed 9 couple I met
at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & I Anointed [blank]
Absolam Smith & 4 wives. I went to the Theater in the Evening
& herd the celebrated Coledock play the old man in the willow
7. I Anointed Benjamin Kimball Bullock & wives &
went to the farm & started Wilford & Keets to the coal Beds
& I spent the Afternoon raking & Binding wheat for Tufts
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 28, 1867 - August 7, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,