G. A. Smith spoke 17 M[inutes] President Young 45 M we then
took Dinner I went with Wilford to lay out a place to build
a House, we then started & drove over the Mountain to Laketown 22 Miles
We held a Meeting in the Bowery the grass hoppers eat
up all the grain in the place. Brother T W Elebeck opened By prayer
President Young spoke 35 Minutes. He said 27 years ago today Joseph Smith was Martered in Carthage Jail it will not
be but a few years untill you will not find a man who herd
Joseph Smith. G. A. Smith spoke 21 Minutes. I stoped with
Brother Chena the son of Elijah Chena the man that
came with Brother Pulsipher when he Baptized me
~ Wednesday
28 A Plesant Morning we drove to MeadowvilleRound ^3 Miles^ Valley. We held a Meeting. Prayer By W Woodruff Joseph Young spoke 60 M[inutes], W Woodruff 20 M we then
took dinner with Brother Polmanteer we then rode to St Charles 23 Miles. I spent the night with Brother Davis 23 M[iles]
30. I rode with C. C. Rich 8 Miles to his ranch on Bear River
He had some 1500 Acres of Pasture & Meadow the finest
I had seen in the valley it was a fortune to any Man I returned
to Paris 16 M[iles]
July 2nd Sunday Met at 10 oclok. E F Sheets Prayed W Woodruff
spoke 45 Minutes Capt Hooper 20, G A Smith 5. Afternoon
I had an Attak of Billious Cholic had to leave Meeting
President Young spoke one hour & 15 Minutes. At the close of the
Meeting we drove to Mont Pieliar I called upon the Bishop
G. A. Smith spoke 17 Minutes President Young 45 Minutes we then
took Dinner I went with Wilford to lay out a place to build
a House, we then started & drove over the Mountain to Laketown 22 Miles
We held a Meeting in the Bowery the grass hoppers eat
up all the grain in the place. Brother T W Elebeck opened By prayer
President Young spoke 35 Minutes He said 27 years ago today
Joseph Smith was Martered in Carthage Jail it will not
be but a few years untill you will not find a man who herd
Joseph Smith. G. A. Smith spoke 21 Minutes. I stoped with
Brother Chena the Son of Elijah Chena the man that
came with Brother Pulsipher when he Baptized me
~ Wednesday
28 A Plesant Morning we drove to Meadowville Round 3 Miles
Valley we held a Meeting Prayer By W Woodruff
Joseph Young spoke 60 Minutes, W Woodruff 20 Minutes we then
took dinner with Brother Polmanteer we then Rode to
St Charles 23 Miles I spent the night with Brother Davis 23 Miles
~ Thursday
29. We held a Meeting in the Bowery at St Charles. E. F. Sheets
prayed Joseph Young spoke 32 Minutes J. F. Smith 23 W Woodruff
30 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By Brother Budge E F Sheets
spoke 31 Minutes, Capt Hooper 19 Minutes, G A Smith48, C C Rich 3
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Paris I stoped with
Henry J Horn 8 Miles
~ Friday
30. I rode with C. C. Rich 8 Miles to his Ranch on Bear River
He had some 1500 Acres of Pasture & Meadow the finest
I had seen in the valley it was a fortune to any Man I returned
to Paris 16 Miles
July 2nd Sunday Met at 10 oclok E F Sheets Prayed W Woodruff
spoke 45 Minutes Capt Hooper 20 G A Smith 5. Afternoon
I had an Attck of Billious Cholic had to leave Meeting
President Young spoke one hour & 15 Minutes. At the close of the
Meeting we drove to Mont Pieliar I called upon the Bishop
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," June 27, 1871 - July 2, 1871, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5y9K