9. I Anointed [blank] & wife at 11 oclk I sat
in company with the tFirst Presidency Brigham YoungG A.
Smith & D. H. Wells & all the Twelve Apostles to have our
likenesses taken in a group By Brother Savage. I met with the Council of 50
~ Saturday
10. I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
51 person D H Wells sealed 22 couple & W Woodruff 23.
In the Evening I met with Zions Camp there were 39 men
& 3 women Father Duncan was with us he was 89 years old
had not met with us before since Zions Camp broke up
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle & prayer circle
^we gave 64 Endowments W W sealed 10, G Q Cannon 31, D H Wells 3^
~ Monday to ~ Friday
12 to 16. I spent this whole week at the farm making up molasses
~ Saturday
17. [blank]
~ Sunday
18. Sunday I was quite unwell & did not attend Meeting in the
forenoon O Pratt Preached. Capt White of Bever was buried in
this city funeral at 13 ward school House. I attended Meeting in
the afternoon Brother Widdenburgh spoke 44 Minutes B Young Jr spok
35 minutes. I attended meeting with the Presidency & 12 for prayer
~ Monday to ~ Friday
19 to 23. I spent the time making molasses.
I had a sick night on Friday the 23 with the Cholera Morbus
~ Saturday
24 I went home from the Farm quite sick & had a sick day
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I was vary weak this morning, was confined to my
bed most of the day Brother G. Q. Cannon called in & administered
to me G. A. Smith called in the Evening
~ Monday
26. I was quite weak this morning but sat up & wrote some in my Journal In looking over my papers I found President Heber
C Kimball remarks at the funeral of his wife Vilate Kimball He spoke 38 minutes Heber C. Kimballs Remarks
He said Vilate & I have lived together 46 years and I have left
I Anointed Samuel Hardy & wife to their 2nd Anointing
On the 7, I Anointed 2 wives of Morris Phelps
On the 8, I Anointed [blank] Love & wife I assisted Orson Hyde
in Anointing one of his wives
10. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
51 person D H Wells sealed 22 couple & W Woodruff 23.
In the Evening I met with Zions Camp there were 39 men
& 3 women Father Duncan was with us he was 89 years old
had not met with us before since Zions Camp broke up
12 to 16. I spent this whole week at the farm making up molasses
~ Saturday
17. [blank]
~ Sunday
18. Sunday I was quite unwell & did not attend Meeting in the
forenoon O Pratt Preached. Capt White of Bever was buried in
this City funeral at 13 ward school House. I attended Meeting in
the afternoon Brother Widdenburgh spoke 44 Minutes B Young Jr spok
35 minutes. I attended meeting with the Presidency & 12 for prayer
~ Monday to ~ Friday
19 to 23. I spent the time making molasses.
I had a sick night on Friday the 23 with the Cholera Morbus
~ Saturday
24 I went home from the Farm quite sick & had a sick day
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I was vary weak this morning, was confined to my
bed most of the day Brothe G. Q. Cannon called in & administered
to me G. A. Smith called in the Evening
~ Monday
26. I was quite weak this morning but sat up & wrote some in my Journal In looking over my papers I found President Heber
C Kimball remarks at the funeral of his wife Vilate Kimball He spoke 38 minutes
FIGURES Heber C. Kimballs Remarks
He said Vilate & I have lived together 46 years and I have left
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 8, 1868 - October 26, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jRn5