Appointments for
by W Woodruff
~ Sunday
x Sunday July 26th 1835 At On
x Tenn at 12-oclock / Isah 8:20
~ Tuesday
Tuesday 28th at Brother's on
x Creek / Zenos parable of Vineyard [Jacob 5]
~ Thursday
x Thursday 30 at / 2 Timothy 2:15
~ Sunday
x Sunday 2nd August at Meeting house
At sister at 4 o clock / {shorthand}
~ Tuesday
x Tuesday 4th at Bros / {shorthand}
~ Thursday
x Thursday 6th at Col at
east of / II Cor 4th 3; 4th
~ Friday
x Friday 7th at 4 oclock AM / 2 {shorthand}
~ Sunday
x Sunday 9th at the by Col
2 Cor 9 = 3 = 4 = {shorthand}
~ Tuesday
x Tuesday 11th at Br ^het^ 12 oclock / he
~ Thursday
x Thursday 13th at Mr /
~ Friday
Friday 14th at Mr 12 oclok /
~ Sunday
Sunday ^16th^ at Br [illegible] 12 oclk AM / [sideways text] 13 + 8 + 11 = 32 [end of sideways text]
~ Sunday
Sunday 23 at Col /
~ Wednesday
Wendsday 26 at Br /
Appointments for
by W Woodruff
July 26, 1835 ~ Sunday
x Sunday July 26th 1835 At On
x Tenn at 12-oclock / Isah 8:20
July 28, 1835 ~ Tuesday
Tuesday 28th at Brother's on
x Creek / Zenos parable of Vineyard
July 30, 1835 ~ Thursday
x Thursday 30 at / 2 Timothy 2:15
August 2, 1835 ~ Sunday
x Sunday 2nd August at Meeting house
At mister at 4 o clock / {shorthand?}
August 4, 1835 ~ Tuesday
x Tuesday 4th at Bros / {shorthand?}
August 6, 1835 ~ Thursday
x Thursday 6th at Col at
east of / II Cor 4th 3; 4th
August 7, 1835 ~ Friday
x Friday 7th at 4 oclock AM / 2 {shorthand?}
August 9, 1835 ~ Sunday
x Sunday 9th at the by Col
2 Cor 9 = 3 = 4 = {shorthand?}
August 11, 1835 ~ Tuesday
x Tuesday 11th at Br het 12 oclock / he
August 13, 1835 ~ Thursday
x Thursday 13th at Mr /
August 14, 1835 ~ Friday
Friday 14th at Mr 12 oclok /
August 16, 1835 ~ Sunday
Sunday 16th at Br ◊◊Y 12 oclk AM / sideways text 13 + 8 + 11 = 32 end of sideways text
August 23, 1835 ~ Sunday
Sunday 23 at Col /
August 26, 1835 ~ Wednesday
Wendsday 26 at Br /