24th[FIGURE] I commenced taking charge of
the provision store for the committee of the Nauvoo House I also cut & drew two loads
of wood to my door
~ Thursday
25th I spent a part of the day at the store we have
a severe snow storm. About 200 Saints have
just landed at Warsaw from England it is bad for them
in this snow storm
~ Friday
26th A cold morning I spent the day at home
I mailed a letter to father Carters family
~ Saturday
^27^ [blank]
~ Sunday
27^8^th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I spent the day at B. Young in
company with Joseph & the Twelve in
conversing upon a variety of subjects it was
an interesting day Elder Joseph Fielding was
present he had been in England four years
we also saw a number of english Brethren
Joseph said the Book of Mormon was the most
correct of any Book on earth & the key stone of
our religion & a man would get nearer to
God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book
29th I had an interview with Elder Morgan
forom Garway Wales many are emigrating from
foreign Nations
~ Monday
29th It is still cold weather I am now spending
my time in the provision store
~ Tuesday
30th I spent some time with Joseph & the Twelve
Joseph says Sister Hyde must live with
Br E. Robinson & if they receive them kindly
and patiently it shall prove a great blessing
unto them {If not they shall do no honor}
~ Wednesday
Dec 1st A plesent day I spent a part of the day
in writing
I wrote a letter to L. R. Foster 13 Oliver st N. Y
& requested him to send me some money
24th [FIGURE] I commenced taking charge of
the provision store for the committee of the
Nauvoo House I also cut & drew two loads
of wood to my door
~ Thursday
25th I spent a part of the day at the store we have
a severe snow storm. About 200 Saints have
just landed at Warsaw from England it is bad for them
in this snow storm
~ Friday
26th A cold morning I spent the day at home
I mailed a letter to father Carters family
~ Saturday
27 [blank]
~ Sunday
28th Sunday I spent the day at B. Young in
company with Joseph & the Twelve in
conversing upon a variety of subjects it was
an interesting day Elder Joseph Fielding was
present he had been in England four years
we also saw a number of english Brethren
Joseph said the Book of Mormon was the most
correct of any Book on earth & the key stone of
our religion & a man would get nearer to
God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book
~ Monday
I had an interview with Elder Morgan
from Garway Wales many are emigrating from
foreign Nations
29th It is still cold weather I am now spending
my time in the provision store
~ Tuesday
30th I spent some time with Joseph & the Twelve
Joseph says Sister Hyde must live with
Br E. Robinson & if they receive them kindly
and patiently it shall prove a great blessing
unto them {If not they shall do no honor}
~ Wednesday
Dec 1st A plesent day I spent a part of the day
in writing
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to L. R. Foster 13 Oliver st N.Y
& requested him to send me some money
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," November 22, 1841 - December 1, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Ml3