We are very busy writing the history of the latter days of Joseph, and we have a great many conflicting statements on the subject,
which renders it necessary for me to call in the aid of an eye and ear
witness to enable me to do justice to it. You are the only person on
earth who can render me this assistance; I shall therefore feel obliged if you
will take the earliest opportunity to sit down with your Hon. colleague the Chief
Historian, and write out an account of all the circumstances relating to this
subject which came under your immediate observation or experience from
the 20th June 1844 to the date of your return from Carthage to Nauvoo.
Also please to give me the requisite information if you are able on the following
Who were the Apostates staying at Hamilton's Hotel at the time in question?
Joseph, Willard, and yourself tasted of the wine which was fetched by the guard
just previous to the martyrdom; did Hyrum taste of it?
Were you the mouth at prayer both evenings in jail? if not, who officiated
the first night, if any?
You sung "A poor wayfaring man of grief" at a quarter past 3 PM of
the 27th; was it Joseph or Hyrum who requested you to repeat it? I
have always understood that you had no sooner finished singing it the
second time than the firing commenced; if so there must have been a
considerable interval between the two exercises. What were the facts?
Who washed the bodies in Carthage?
Who nailed the boards together in which to take the bodies to Navuoo?
We are very busy writing the history of the latter days of
Joseph, and we have a great many conflicting statements on the subject,
which renders it necessary for me to call in the aid of an eye and ear
witness to enable me to do justice to it. You are the only person on
earth who can render me this assistance; I shall therefore feel obliged if you
will take the earliest opportunity to sit down with your Hon. colleague the Chief
Historian, and write out an account of all the circumstances relating to this
subject which came under your immediate observation or experience from
the 20th June 1844 to the date of your return from Carthage to Nauvoo.
Also please to give me the requisite information if you are able on the following
Who were the Apostates staying at Hamilton's Hotel at the time in question?
Joseph, Willard, and yourself tasted of the wine which was fetched by the guard
just previous to the martyrdom; did Hyrum taste of it?
Were you the mouth at prayer both evenings in jail? if not, who officiated
the first night, if any?
You sung "A poor wayfaring man of grief" at a quarter past 3 PM of
the 27th; was it Joseph or Hyrum who requested you to repeat it? I
have always understood that you had no sooner finished singing it the
second time than the firing commenced; if so there must have been a
considerable interval between the two exercises. What were the facts?
Who washed the bodies in Carthage?
Who nailed the boards together in which to take the bodies to Navuoo?