besides travelling 10 Miles I prepared for Br Hatch to take his home to
Br Smith camp and leave me to stop with the Indian over night I walked with
to Chief Cachaby to the Middle village and thare found an Indian by the
Name of Misiamtoi He was called Si for short He could talk fair English
but Better Spanish. I was vary glad to meet with him as I could converse
with him without an interpetor & I concluded to stay with him for the night
and quite a Number gathered into his House to see me and hear me talk,
vary soon Si's wife had got her supper cooked & I was asked to eat with
them which I attempted to do but it was hard work I could not
tell what I was eating for they were on the filthy order in cooking
& eating I eat some however but the food was vary unpaletable
soon Br Hatch returned Brought me a custard pie & Baked chicken
which I relished much He also brought me blankets to sleep on and
staid and slept with me over night after I got supper I talked to
the people who had gathered & Br Hatch interpeted. Their was to be a dance of the
Young people at the South village and Si Br Hatch & Myself went to see it but
they did not Begin untill about 9 oclok we saw them go through one dance some
20 young Men & half a doz young women with their Hair Horns on each side
of the Head they danced with great animation keeping step with the drum & singing
the girls steemed vary shy and modest we returned to our room & bed which
closed the Labors of this vary interesting day having visited six Indian villages
& spoken in most of them travelled 10 Miles Besides climing up 3000 feet of Mountains
I felt weary But well satisfied with the days labor 15 M[iles]
~ Saturday
Oct 25 I arose in the Morning rather weary as I lay on the ground floor with
But little under me & I did not sleep Much I went out doors and saw a row
of Men sitting on the roocks to see the sun rise as they were sun worshippers I took
a walk to the North End of the rocks watching for Br Smith to come up
besides travelling 10 Miles I prepared for Br Hatch to take his home to
Br Smith camp and leave me to stop with the Indian over night I walked with
to Chief Cachaby to the Middle village and there found an Indian by the
Name of Misiamtoi He was called si for short He could talk fair English
but Better spanish. I was vary glad to meet with him as I could converse
with him without an interpeter & I concluded to stay with him for the night
and quite a Number gathered into his House to see me and hear me talk
vary soon Si's wife had get her supper cooked & I was asked to eat with
them which I attempted to do but it was hard work I could not
tell what I was eating for they were on the filthy order in cooking
& eating I eat some however but the food
was vary unpaktable
soon Br Hatch returned Brought me a custard pie & Baked chicken
which I relished much He also brought me blankets to sleep on and
staid and slept with me over night after I got supper I talked to
the people who had gathered & Br Hatch interpeted Their was to be a dance of the
Young people of the South village and Si Br Hatch & Myself went to see it but
they did not Begin untill about 9 oclok we saw them go through one dance some
20 young Men & half a doz young women with their Hair Horns on each side
of the Head They danced with great animation keeping step with the crowd & singing
the girls seemed vary shy and modest we returned to our room & bed which
closed the Labors of this vary interesting day having visited six Indian villages
& spoken in most of them travelled 10 Miles Besides climing up 3000 feet of Mountains
I felt weary But well satisfied with the days labor 15 M
I arose in the Morning rather weary as I lay on the ground floor with
But little under me & I did not sleep Much I went out of doors and saw a row
of Men sining on the rocks to sec the sunrise as they were sun worshippes 7 took
a walk to the North End of the Rocks walcking for Br Smith to come up
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