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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898 |
Collection Description | Journal, 1879 October 24-1881 January 31 |
Collection Number | MS 5506 |
Collection Page | 1-157 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Introduction | Wilford Woodruff's discourse, given during the Sunday afternoon public meeting May 3, 1846 in Nauvoo, Illinois, from Thomas Bullock's record. |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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I am in the Hands of God, and so is the United States Government I glory in the Epistle & Testimony which I have bourn to our Nation and all the worlds from which that Extract was made and God will back up my testimony and the Testimony of all the righteous Though the Heaven and Earth pass away. The Testimony of inspiration will not pass away but will all be fulfilled as the Lord liveth
I advised all the Members of the Church who bore away portion of the Priesthood that was called upon to speak in public never to make any Excuses for being called upon to speak to the people but to bear their testimony and say what the spirit Directs
I was born 1807 the first day of March [4/9] I was to Live till 1887 I should be 80 years of age but how long I shall live & remain in the flesh God ownly knows, this year opens with a prospect of Great Hostility of our Government against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and the Kingdom of God esstablished in Utah and adjoining Territories in the Rocky Mountains the Everlasting hills given to old Father Jacob & his Posterity. But God reigns and our trust is in Him. He will guide his saints as He has in days gone by, And when this year is past we will see what state bothe the Nation and the Saints will be in at the End of the year. Our Nations is rapidly Hastening to Destruction and is ripening in iniquity and is doomed to Destruction in fulfillmet of the word of Lord who has spoken concerning them
I Prayed the Lord to give me His Holy spirit and light and truth I went to Bed filled with Prayer and Meditation I fell asleep & slept untill about midnight I awoke and the Lord Poured out his spirit upon me and opened the vision of my Mind so I could & [FIGURE] comprehend in a good measure the mind & will of God and his purposes concerning our Nation and the Inhabitants of Zion And when the vision of my mind was open to to comprehend the situation of our Nations their wickedness, Abomi- nations & corruptions and the Judgments of God and Destruction which awaited them, and when I comprehended the Great & Mighty responsibility which rested upon the Quorum of the Apostles in the sight of God and the Heav- enly Hosts, my pills Head became a fountain of tears and my pillow was wet as with the Dews of Heaven and sleep Departed from me, and the Lord revealed unto me our Duty, Even the Duty of the Twelve Apostles and all the faithful Elders of Israel And the following is a portion of the will of the Lord to me while Dweling in the shepherds tent in the Wilderness surrounded by the drifting snows of the Mountains while wraped in the visions of the night
January 28, 1880 ~ Wednesday (Jan 28. We had a hard snow storm this Morning it snowed all day In the night I was wraped in vision for hours concerning the Nation & Zion It was again Manifet to me the Duty of the Apostles & Elders to go unto the Temple is St George & other Holy places & bear testimony to God and the Heavenly Hearts against the wickedness of the Nation My pillow was wet with the fountain of tears that freely flowed as I beheld the judgments of God upon the wicked)
As it was a Jubilee $800000 of the perpetual Emigrating fund, was rejected forgiven to the poor Also ^$^ 75899.01 of Back Tithing was forgiven the poor. 1000 cows was to be given to the Widows and the poor & the Church give 300 of them 5000 sheep was to be given to the poor & 2000 to be furnished by the Church. The female relief Society was to Loan 34000 bushels of their wheat to the poor to sow. Bishops to be responsible for the return of the same
I pray the Lord to preserve me and my family in Purity and I pray the Lord to preserve the first presidency, Twelve and all the faithful Saints in Zion and Bless & Protect Br Cannon in Washington and hedge up the way of our Enemies that they shall not have power over the Saints of God
W Woodruff spoke one hour showed By revelation that Joseph Smith the prophet had received all the keys of the Aaronic & Melchezedec Priesthood for the last Dispensa tion from John the Baptist & Peter James & John, Moses, Elias & Elijah and had sealed these keys upon the Twelve Apostles and that the prohet had laid these responsibilities upon the shoolders of the Twelve Apostles to bear off this Kingdom then exhorted the young men to qualify themselves & stop forth and magnify their calling