lovely people in my travels in the vineyard they
are like angels innocent as lambs & like
children I did not wonder Elder Kimball
cried when he left them for I was so
overwhelmed with the spirit & power of God
& simplicity of the people I could scearcely
speak I blessed one lovely child of Br & Sister Martha Hartley I kissed it when I gave it to its
mother many were in tears, many bore their
testimony of the work of God & others desired
it if their had been time it was truly an interesting
time, we adjourned undill untill 6 oclock. met
according to adjournment & I Preached to the
People during the evening I had a good time
I cannot express my feelings while among this
people, the hard shake of the hand accompanied
by the flowing tears bespoke the feelings of the
heart as I parted with them at the dssmilssal
of the meeting. I spent the night at Si[s]ter Duckworth's. I had a severe cold & paine in the head
~ Monday
12th I parted with the lovely Saints in Clithero
took coach rode to Blackburn from thence to Preston whare I had the happy privilege of
meeting with Elders Holmes & Hardy I
met the Saints in Preston & Preached to a
full house was followed by Elder Holmes. I spoke
from the CII Psalm we had a good time. I
spent the night with Elders Holmes & Hardy
at Capt Wilks. I had a severe cold & pain
in the head during the night distance 25 [miles]
This being the Whitson week all business
was suspended & the people in the streets having
a Hollyday & at night their was so many drunk
in the street on & on the side walk that it was
with difficulty for a sober man to go along without
lovely people in my travels in the vineyard they
are like angels innocent as lambs & like
children I did not wonder Elder Kimball
cried when he left them for I was so
overwhelmed with the spirit & power of God
& simplicity of the people I could scearcely
speak I blessed one lovely child of Br & Sister
Martha Hartley I kissed it when I gave it to its
mother many were in tears, many bore their
testimony of the work of God & others desired
it if their had been time it was truly an interesting
time, we adjourned untill 6 oclock. met
according to adjournment & I Preached to the
People during the evening I had a good time
I cannot express my feelings while among this
People, the hard shake of the hand accompanied
by the flowing tears bespoke the feelings of the
heart as I parted with them at the dssmissal
of the meeting. I spent the night at Sister
Duckworth's. I had a severe cold & paine in the head
~ Monday
12th I parted with the lovely Saints in Clithero
took coach rode to Blackburn from thence to
Preston whare I had the happy privilege of
meeting with Elders Holmes & Hardy I
met the Saints in Preston & Preached to a
full house was followed by Elder Holmes. I spoke
from the CII Psalm we had a good time. I
spent the night with Elders Holmes & Hardy
at Capt Wilks. I had a severe cold & pain
in the head during the night distance 25
This being the Whitson week all business
was suspended & the people in the streets having
a Hollyday & at night their was so many drunk
in the street & on the side walk that it was
with difficulty for a sober man to go along without
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," May 11, 1845 - May 12, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,