13 I returned to Liverpool on the railroad &
recieved 3 letters one from J. D. Ross one
from Dan Jones & one from Br Sheets. I also
recieved one paper from Nauvoo. I returned to
my family & found them well was glad to get
home again
~ Wednesday
14th I recieved 2 letter one from G. A. Smith
& one from Br W. Dearden I wrote 3 letters
one to Br Thomas Smith of Bath & suspended
him from his office, one to the Bath Saints & one to another Brother
~ Thursday
15 ^& 16^ I wrote a letter to Br Stratten request-
ing him to return & take charge of the Bath
conference. I obtained 3 Prophets from N Y
all bearing good News. A letter came from Nauvoo to Br Clark we sent it to him with
his Papers.
16th[FIGURE] I left my family & friends in Liver-
pool & took the Steemer Victorie for Carlisle
at 4 oclock in the afternoon as soon as we went
out of the dock I discoverd the boat was newly
Painted so that one could not sit down in any
place from the stem to the stern of the boat without
carrying the paint with him the whole bigness of
the place he sat in or touched and as the sea began
to be rough I found it necessary to get some
place to lie down & as the last & ownly resort I
paid 2/ shillings for the use of a bunk among the
sailors oin the fore castle over the bow for the
night. I went below to take my bed among the
sailors which was a small confined place
being run against
~ Tuesday
13 [FIGURE] I returned to Liverpool on the railroad &
recieved 3 letters one from J. D. Ross one
from Dan Jones & one from Br Sheets. I also
recieved one paper from Nauvoo. I returned to
my family & found them well was glad to get
home again
~ Wednesday
14th [FIGURE] I recieved 2 letter one from G. A. Smith
& one from Br W. Dearden I wrote 3 letters
one to Br Thomas Smith of Bath & suspended
him from his office, one to the Bath saints &
[FIGURE] one to another Brother
~ Thursday
15 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Br Stratten requesting him to return & take charge of the Bath
conference. I obtained 3 Prophets from NY
all bearing good News. A letter came from
Nauvoo to Br Clark we sent it to him with
his Papers.
[FIGURE] I left my family & friends in Liverpool & took the Steemer Victorie for Carlisle
at 4 oclock in the afternoon as soon as we went
out of the dock I discovered the boat was newly
Painted so that one could not sit down in any
place from the Stem to the Stern of the boat without
carrying the paint with him the whole bigness of
the place he sat in or touched and as the sea began
to be rough I found it necessary to get some
place to lie down & as the last & ownly resort I
paid 2/ shillings for the use of a bonk among the
sailors in the fore castle over the bow for the
night. I went below to take my bed among the
sailors which was a small confined place
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," May 12, 1845 - May 15, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yDE