28th I[t] was on this day that I Paid Mitten
& that the meeting or council was held & McGoughy cut off instead of the 27th.
~ Saturday
March 1st 1845. My Birth Day Aged38Years. BornMarch 1st1807
I recieved a letter to day from a friend
containing a copy of a letter Dated Pittsburgh
Jan 30, [18]45 written by John Greenhow at
Pittsburgh to his Father in Kendal stating that
he was getting the doctrins & Covenants
steroetyped in that place & was going to bring
the plates to England to Print the work here
& get the copyright secured so that the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could not
Print them. This certainly is a bold move
for an apostate or apostates to undertake to
Print the works of the Church & rob them out
of it I view it nothing more than the mercy
of God in Putting the knowledge of this thing
into my hands. I spent the day in examining
the Law to see what I could learn concerning
securing copy rights. walked 8 miles
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I dreamed last night of seeing
two large smakes [snakes] coming out of a large tree
their object seemed to be to bite me soon
a third one appeared, but I thought they had
no power to harm me soon I met another
one which I draged with my foot a long distance
in the road he tried to bite me. I soon trod on
his neck he run his tongue out but, I killed him
~ Friday
28th It was on this day that page smudged I Paid Mitten
& that the meeting or council was held &
McGoughy cut off instead of the 27th.
~ Saturday
March 1st 1845. My Birth Day
Aged38Years. BornMarch1st 1807
[FIGURE] I recieved a letter to day from a friend
containing a copy of a letter Dated Pittsburgh
Jan 30, 45 written by John Greenhow at
Pittsburgh to his Father in Kendal Stating that
he was getting the doctrins & Covenants
Sterotyped in that place & was going to bring
the plates to England to Print the work here
& get the copyright secured so that the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could not
Print them. This certainly is a bold move
for an apostate or apostates to undertake to
Print the works of the Church & rob them out
of it. I view it nothing more than the mercy
of God in Putting the knowledge of this thing
into my hands, I spent the day in examining
the Law to see what I could learn concerning
securing copy rights. walked 8 miles
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I dreamed last night of seeing
two large snakes coming out of a large tree
their object seemed to be to bite me soon
a third one appeared, but I thought they had
no power to harm me soon I met another
one which I draged with my foot a long distance
in the road he tried to bite me. I soon trod on
his neck he run his tongue out but, I killed him
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," February 28, 1845 - March 2, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/oON