31st I walked out with Mrs Woodruff &
done some shoping & went to the office
4 m[iles]
~ Sunday
June 1st Sunday I Preached to the Saints in
the morning, in Liverpool confirmed 12 in the
afternoon, And blessed 2 children & admin-
istered to 2 that was sick & Preached in
the evening to a large congregation called
& spent a little time at Br Tibbets & returned
home 6 m[iles]
6th I parted with my family took railroad & went
to London via Birmingham I was 16 hours in the
cars & travelled from Liverpool to London 217 mile
arived there at 10 oclk at night quite weary with my
Journey I spent the night with Br Davis at Br Joiners
10 Thornhill street Pentonville London 220mile
~ Saturday
31st I walked out with Mrs Woodruff &
done some shoping & went to the office
4 m
~ Sunday
June 1st Sunday I Preached to the Saints in
the morning, in Liverpool confirmed 12 in the
afternoon, And blessed 2 children & administered to 2 that was sick & Preached in
the evening to a large congregation called
& spent a little time at Br Tibbets & returned
home 6 m
~ Monday
2nd [FIGURE] I recieved 2 letters one from
cousin Betsey Cossett one from Elder Leonard
Hardy & two Prophets one Neighbor & one T & S
they all brought good news of the work of
God & from my fathers family 4
~ Tuesday
3rd FIGURES I recieved 2 letters & wrote 2 spent
most of the time at the office 4 m
~ Wednesday
4th FIGURES I rote a letter to M. Holmes & recieved
one from him 4 m
~ Thursday
5th I spent the day in making preperations
to leave my family for London with the
copey right of the Book of Doctrins & Covenants
to get it secured in the Stationers Hall London
~ Friday
6th I parted with my family took railroad & went
to London via Birmingham I was 16 hours in the
cars & travelled from Liverpool to London 217 mile
arived there at 10 oclk at night quite weary with my
Journey I spent the night with Br Davis at Br Joiners
10 Thornhill street Pentonville London 220mile
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," May 31, 1845 - June 6, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/JxP