Feb 9th I wrote A letter to Elder Davis
of London. I spent the day at the office I
perused the 9th No of the Star containing a
long address to the Saints in the British Islands
which I wrote 4 m[iles]
~ Monday
10th Sunday A severe cold snow storm I
Preached at the music Hall, in the morning,
partook of the sacrament in the Afternoon, &
preached in the evening again, from Rev 14 ch 6 v.
spoke of the origin of the Church, Joseph recieving
the Administration of the Angel. I confirmed
two, lade hands upon 6 sick consecrated 4
bottles of oil, walked 8 miles
~ Tuesday
11th Went to the office & spent the day distance 4 m
~ Wednesday
12th I recieved a letter from Elder Clayton
I walked to the office spent the fore part
of the day, in the evening I accompinied Mrs Woodruff & Clark to Br Tysom's & took tea 5 m[iles]
14 I wrote Elder J. M. Grant of Philadelphia a
letter I also recieved 2 more Neighbors & five Prophets, P. P. Pratt Is over the eastern Churches
their appears to be a prospect of another riot or
outbreak about Nauvoo, from the mob according
to the last Neighbor I spent most of the day at
the office 4 miles
~ Sunday
Feb 9th [FIGURE] I wrote A letter to Elder Davis
of London. I spent the day at the office I
perused the 9th No of the Star containing
a long address to the Saints in the British Islands
which I wrote 4 m
~ Monday
10th Sunday A severe cold snow storm I
Preached at the music Hall, in the morning,
partook of the Sacrament in the Afternoon, &
preached in the evening again, from Rev 14, ch 6 v.
spoke of the origin of the Church, Joseph recieving
the Administration of the Angel. I confirmed
two, lade hands upon 6 sick consecrated 4
bottles of oil, walked 8 miles
~ Tuesday
11th went to the Office & spent the day distance 4 m
~ Wednesday
12th [FIGURE] I recieved a letter from Elder Clayton
I walked to the office spent the fore part
of the day, in the evening I accompinied Mrs
Woodruff & Clark to Br Tysom's & took tea 5 m
14 [FIGURE] I wrote Elder J. M. Grant of Philadelphia a
letter. I also recieved 2 more Neighbors & five
Prophets, P. P. Pratt Is over the eastern Churches
their appears to be a prospect of another riot or
outbreak about Nauvoo, from the mob according
to the last Neighbor I spent most of the day at
the Office 4 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," February 9, 1845 - February 14, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4GJ