have been by that Spirit of revelation.
I was told to go to by
that same still small voice. In the
time of the great apostasy in
the Spirit of the Lord said to me, "Get
you a partner and go to Fox Islands."
I knew no more what was in Fox
Islands than what was in Kolob. I
went there, however, baptized a hun-
dred and brought them up to Zion with
me. It was upon that island where I
received a letter from ,
telling me that I was called by revela-
tion to fill the place of one of the
who had fallen. You will see
it in the Doctrine and Covenants. That
thing was revealed to me before I re-
ceived the letter from Joseph Smith,
but I did not feel disposed to tell it to
any mortal man, for I knew it was my
duty to keep such things to myself.
Through all my life and labors, when-
ever I have been told to do anything by
the Spirit of the Lord, I have always
found it good to do it. I have been
preserved by that power. That power
was with me when I went to . I was preaching every night
with Brother , and one night we
held a meeting in the town hall at
, in . The Spirit—
that still small voice—said to me, "This
is the last meeting you will hold with
this people for many days." I told the
congregation so when I got up. They
were very much astonished, and asked
me where I was going. I told them I
did not know. After, I went to ask the
Lord what he wanted of me, and He
told me to go to the south. That was
all the answer I got. I took the stage
and rode eighty miles south. The first
man's house I went into was . I had not been in his house
fifteen minutes till I understood why
the Lord had sent me there. There
was a people broken off from the Wes-
leyan Methodists, who had banded
together and called themselves . They were watching for the
of the Son of Man, watching
for the Gospel of Christ, as they read of
it in the New Testament. The first
thirty days after I got there I brought
into the some two thousand,
with fifty ministers, and all their
chapels, licensed according to law, were
in my hands. There was no blowing
of trumpets about that. The Spirit of
the Lord told me to go there, and when
I got there I saw why I was sent.
That is, perhaps, enough to
say about those things. Now, I
want to say to this congregation, to
the young men of Israel, to the Elders
of Israel, to all our missionaries, the
day has come when the God of heaven
requires at my hands, as the President
of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, to say unto you, it
is the will of God for you to take this
course. Get the Spirit of God before
you go on your missions or anywhere
else. Get the spirit of revelation with
you. And when you get that you are
safe, and you will do exactly what the
Lord wants you to do. I have felt
strongly impressed to say that to this
Conference. What can you do with-
out revelation? We cannot do the will
of God and accomplish what is re-
quired of us without it. We will make
no mistakes if we pursue that course.
That spirit is with the Apostles, and
with the Elders of Israel who are true
and faithful. The rising generation
should labor to obtain the Spirit of
God. Get it within you and it will be
a continual monitor with you.
That is one reason, brethren and sis-
ters, why my life has been preserved.
I will tell you another reason. Of
course, this is my own reason for it.
One reason why I am here is because
the Lord has chosen the weak things
of this world to preach the Gospel, to
do His work, to build up His kingdom.
I do not think He has ever had a
weaker instrument on earth to work
through than myself. The Almighty
has known that never for a minute
since I have been a member of this
Church have I had any power to take
any honor or glory to myself with re-
gard to anything that I have been en-
abled to do in the work of the ministry
or elsewhere. Why? Because I have
known it has come from God, and not
from me. And no other man who has
engaged in this work has had any pow-
er of himself. This power has come
from God unto us, whereby we have
been enabled to do the work He has re-
quired at our hands.
There is a change coming over the
earth; there is a change coming
over the Christian world; and it
is at our door. You read the
revelations in the Bible, in the and in the appertaining to our day and the
have been by that Spirit of revelation.
I was told to go to by
that same still small voice. In the
time of the great apostasy in
the Spirit of the Lord said to me, "Get
you a partner and go to Fox Islands."
I knew no more what was in Fox
Islands than what was in Kolob. I
went there, however, baptized a hundred and brought them up to Zion with
me. It was upon that island where I
received a letter from ,
telling me that I was called by revelation to fill the place of one of the
Twelve who had fallen. You will see
it in the Doctrine and Covenants. That
thing was revealed to me before I received the letter from Joseph Smith,
but I did not feel disposed to tell it to
any mortal man, for I knew it was my
duty to keep such things to myself.
Through all my life and labors, whenever I have been told to do anything by
the Spirit of the Lord, I have always
found it good to do it. I have been
preserved by the power. That power
was with me when I went to . I was preaching every night
with Brother , and one night we
held a meeting in the town hall at
, in Staffordshire. The Spirit—
that still small voice—said to me, "This
is the last meeting you will hold with
this people for many days." I told the
congregation so when I got up. They
were very much astonished, and asked
me where I was going. I told them I
did not know. After, I went to ask the
Lord what he wanted of me, and He
told me to go to the south. That was
all the answer I got. I took the stage
and rode eighty miles south. The first
man's house I went into was . I had not been in his house
fifteen minutes till I understood why
the Lord had sent me there. There
was a people broken off from the Wesleyan Methodists, who had banded
together and called themselves United
Brethren. They were watching for the
coming of the Son of Man, watching
for the Gospel of Christ, as they read of
it in the New Testament. The first
thirty days after I got there I brought
into the Church some two thousand,
with fifty ministers, and all their
chapels, licensed according to law, were
in my hands. There was no blowing
of trumpets about that. The Spirit of
the Lord told me to go there, and when
I got there I saw why I was sent.
That is, perhaps, enough to
say about those things. Now, I
want to say to this congregation, to
the young men of , to the Elders
of Israel, to all our missionaries, the
day has come when the God of heaven
requires at my hands, as the President
of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, to say unto you, it
is the will of God for you to take this
course. Get the Spirit of God before
you go on your missions or anywhere
else. Get the spirit of revelation with
you. and when you get that you are
safe, and you will do exactly what the
Lord wants you to do. I have felt
strongly impressed to say that to this
Conference. What can you do without revelation? We cannot do the will
of God and accomplish what is required of us without it. We will make
no mistakes if we pursue that course.
That spirit is with the Apostles, and
with the Elders of Israel who are true
and faithful. The rising generation
should labor to obtain the Spirit of
God. Get it within you and it will be
a continual monitor with you.
That is one reason, brethren and sisters, why my life has been preserved.
I will tell you another reason. Of
course, this is my own reason for it.
One reason why I am here is because
the Lord has chosen the weak things
of this world to preach the Gospel, to
do His work, to build up His kingdom.
I do not think He has ever had a
weaker instrument on earth to work
through than myself. The Almighty
has known that never for a minute
since I have been a member of this
Church have I had any power to take
any honor or glory to myself with regard to anything that I have been enabled to do in the work of the ministry
or elsewhere. Why? Because I have
known it has come from God, and not
from me. And no other man who has
engaged in this work has had any power of himself. This power has come
from God unto us, whereby we have
been enabled to do the work He has required at our hands.
There is a change coming over the
earth; there is a change coming
over the Christian world; and it
is at our door. You read the
revelations in the Bible, in the Book of
Mormon and in the Doctrine and Covenants appertaining to our day and the