there, and in a few moments
we had a dozen of our camp stretched
upon blankets with . The
of God, when he saw this,
felt to sympathize with them, and he
and laid their hands upon
Brother , the first man that
was taken sick, but as soon as they
did it they were seized themselves,
and they both had to leave the camp.
He said afterwards: "I told you what
was coming to pass, and when came I stretched out my hand to
stay it, and I came very near falling
by it myself." That mission was very
interesting to me.
I want to say here that in all my
life since joining this Church and
kingdom, notwithstanding these pow-
ers that have been with me to kill
me, I have always had the revelations
of God with me. That is something
I want to talk about to Israel before
I get through. The power of God has
told me what to do and what not to
do. While the devil has had power
to afflict my body very seriously, there
has been a power with me that has
saved me through it all. And, when-
ever I have had the Holy Spirit with
me to tell me what to do, I have had
to do that. By that I have been
saved. By listening to that I am here today with you. There
are two reasons why I am there today.
When I went back after the pioneer
journey, President said he
wanted me to take my family and go
to , and stay there till I could
gather all the Saints of God in and and bring them
to Zion. That was the mission he
gave me on my return from the pio-
neer journey to . I
went in the spring, as he told me, and
took my family. We came one even-
ing to one of the brethren's houses in
. Several of us were there.
had a team as well as my-
self. We drove into a long yard. I
set my carriage within six inches of
his. I had my and children with
me. I tied my animals to an oak tree
on the other side of where we camped.
I went to bed in my carriage. As I
laid down, the Spirit of the Lord told
me to get up and move my carriage.
I did not ask the Lord what He
meant. I did as I was told. The same
Spirit told me to go and move my
animals away from that tree. I did
that. My wife asked me why I did it.
I told her I did not know. I had not
been in bed twenty minutes when
there came a whirlwind and took that
oak tree, which had stood there per-
haps fifty years, split it right through
the trunk, and it swept through both
of those fences where my carriage had
stood. It never touched Brother Hyde's
carriage, but it would have crushed
me and my family to the earth
if I had not listened to the voice of the
Spirit. After spending two years and
a half in New England and Canada,
getting the Saints out, I started back
with the last lot, about a hundred,
from Boston. We landed in at dusk. We were anxious not
to stay there, but to go on to . I saw a steamer making steam
ready to go out. I went to the cap-
tain and asked him how many passen-
gers he had. "Three hundred and fif-
ty." "Could you take another hun-
dred?" "Yes." I was just about to
tell him we wanted to go aboard when
that Spirit said to me, "Don't go
aboard that steamer, you nor your
company." All right, said I. I had
learned something about that still,
small voice. I did not go aboard that
steamer, but waited till the next morn-
ing. In thirty minutes after that
steamer left, it took fire. It had ropes
instead of wheel chains, and they could
not go ashore. It was a dark night,
and not a soul was saved. If I had
not obeyed the influence of that moni-
tor within me, I would have been there
myself, with the rest of the company.
The Thirteenth ward would not have
had an for a Bishop; the
Church would not have had a as Bishop. They were both
with me, and their families, including
Brother , who is in now, upwards of ninety years
old. I never disobeyed that Spirit
but once in my life; I did it then
through the urgency of other persons,
and it nearly cost me my life. I have
been acquainted with this Spirit. It
was not the blow of trumpets nor
thunder and lightning; it was the still
small voice to me [1 Kings 19:11-12]. All the way from
my boyhood I have been governed and
controlled by that Spirit. My missions
another there, and in a few moments
we had a dozen of our camp stretched
upon blankets with cholera. The
of God, when he saw this,
felt to sympathize with them, and he
and laid their hands upon
Brother , the first man that
was taken sick, but as soon as they
did it they were seized themselves,
and they both had to leave the camp.
He said afterwards: "I told you what
was coming to pass, and when affliction came I stretched out my hand to
stay it, and I came very near falling
by it myself." That mission was very
interesting to me.
I want to say here that in all my
life since joining this Church and
kingdom, notwithstanding these powers that have been with me to kill
me, I have always had the revelations
of God with me. That is something
I want to talk about to before
I get through. The power of God has
told me what to do and what not to
do. While the devil has had power
to afflict my body very seriously, there
has been a power with me that has
saved me through it all. And, whenever I have had the Holy Spirit with
me to tell me what to do, I have had
to do that. By that I have been
saved. By listening to that still small
voice I am here today with you. There
are two reasons why I am there today.
When I went back after the pioneer
journey, President said he
wanted me to take my family and go
to , and stay there till I could
gather all the Saints of God in and and bring them
to Zion. That was the mission he
gave me on my return from the pioneer journey to . I
went in the spring, as he told me, and
took my family. We came one evening to one of the brethren's houses in
. Several of us were there.
had a team as well as myself. We drove into a long yard. I
set my carriage within six inches of
his. I had my and children with
me. I tied my animals to an oak tree
on the other side of where we camped.
I went to bed in my carriage. As I
laid down, the Spirit of the Lord told
me to get up and move my carriage.
I did not ask the Lord what He
meant. I did as I was told. The same
Spirit told me to go and move my
animals away from that tree. I did
that. My wife asked me why I did it.
I told her I did not know. I had not
been in bed twenty minutes when
there came a whirlwind and took that
oak tree, which had stood there perhaps fifty years, split it right through
the trunk, and it swept through both
of those fences where my carriage had
stood. It never touched Brother Hyde's
carriage, but it would have crushed
me and my family to the earth
if I had not listened to the voice of the
Spirit. After spending two years and
a half in New England and Canada,
getting the Saints out, I started back
with the last lot, about a hundred,
from Boston. We landed in at dusk. We were anxious not
to stay there, but to go on to . I saw a steamer making steam
ready to go out. I went to the captain and asked him how many passengers he had. "Three hundred and fifty." "Could you take another hundred?" "Yes." I was just about to
tell him we wanted to go aboard when
that Spirit said to me, "Don't go
aboard that steamer, you nor your
company." All right, said I. I had
learned something about that still,
small voice. I did not go aboard that
steamer, but waited till the next morning. In thirty minutes after that
steamer left, it took fire. It had ropes
instead of wheel chains, and they could
not go ashore. It was a dark night,
and not a soul was saved. If I had
not obeyed the influence of that monitor within me, I would have been there
myself, with the rest of the company.
The Thirteenth ward would not have
had an for a Bishop; the
Church would not have had a as Bishop. They were both
with me, and their families, including
Brother , who is in now, upwards of ninety years
old. I never disobeyed that Spirit
but once in my life; I did it then
through the urgency of other persons,
and it nearly cost me my life. I have
been acquainted with this Spirit. It
was not the blow of trumpets nor
thunder and lightning; it was the still
small voice to me. All the way from
my boyhood I have been governed and
controlled by that Spirit. My missions