birthday of the Prophet —December 23rd,—as a day
of fasting and of solemn prayer unto the Lord.
It is for this end that we address this circular to you, that all the throughout these mountains may be informed that the day
mentioned is designated and set apart as a day of general fasting and
prayer for the whole Church, and that the Saints may assemble at their
various meeting houses and devote the day to prayer to in behalf of Zion.
We need not describe at any length the reasons there are for making
in this united appeal to our Great Creator. They are familiar to you
and to all the people. It is easy to perceive that we are menaced
with a total deprivation of our rights as free men and as citizens,
because we are members of the Church of the Lamb of God. Look
which way we will and there appears no earthly help of which
we can avail ourselves. But we can turn to the Lord in per-
fect confidence that he will hear and help us.
at were furn
ished the Bish
ops, Presidents
of Prayer Circles,
and a few other
*We think the fast should be from sundown on Sunday, the
22nd, to sundown on Monday, the 23rd, covering a period of
twenty-four hours.
^Was not in
the Bishop's
Etc Circulars^
We desire you to take immediate steps to notify the Bishops
and their Counselors, and other presiding officers in your Stakes, of
the appointment of this Fast Day, that it may be known to all
the Saints of your Stakes.
^In Cirular^
All labor that can be dispensed with should be suspended on that
day, and the people should assemble themselves—men, women
and children—and humble themselves before the Lord, and
call upon Him in mighty prayer to look with mercy and
tender compassion upon the people of His Church.
Among other subjects for which we should pray on the Fast Day,
now set apart, the following should not be forgotten:
We should pray for the plots and the schemes which are being
framed for the purpose of robbing us of our civil and political rights
and of obtaining control of our cities, counties and , to be
confounded, and their authors to be thwarted in their evil designs.
We should pray for all who conspire, in any manner, to injure or
destroy the work of God, or take from the people their rights and lib-
erties, to be defeated in their wicked purposes.
We should pray for the unfavorable action of courts and officials
to be overruled in such a manner that no injury will be done to Zion.
We should pray for the of our nation, for the Cabinet, the
Senate, the House of Representatives, the Judiciary and the people of
our nation to be so influence and controlled that their hearts will
be softened towards the people of God, and that they may not
birthday of the Prophet —December 23rd,—as a day
of fasting and of solemn prayer unto the Lord.
It is for this end that we address this circular to you, that all the Latterday Saints throughout these mountains may be informed that the day
mentioned is designated and set apart as a day of general fasting and
prayer for the whole Church, and that the Saints may assemble at their
various meeting houses and devote the day to prayer to Almighty
God in behalf of Zion.
We need not describe at any length the reasons there are for making
in this united appeal to our Great Creator. They are familiar to you
and to all the people. It is easy to perceive that we are menaced
with a total deprivation of our rights as free men and as citizens,
because we are members of the Church of the Lamb of God. Look
which way we will and there appears no earthly help of which
we can avail ourselves. But we can turn to the Lord in perfect confidence that he will hear and help us.
at were furn
ished the Bish
ops, Presidents
of Prayer Circles,
and a few other
*We think the fast should be from sundown on Sunday, the
22nd, to sundown on Monday, the 23rd, covering a period of
twenty-four hours.
Was not in
the Bishop's
Etc Circulars
We desire you to take immediate steps to notify the Bishops
and their Counselors, and other presiding officers in your Stakes, of
the appointment of this Fast Day, that it may be known to all
the Saints of your Stakes.
In Cirular
All labor that can be dispensed with should be suspended on that
day, and the people should assemble themselves—men, women
and children—and humble themselves before the Lord, and
call upon Him in mighty prayer to look with mercy and
tender compassion upon the people of His Church.
Among other subjects for which we should pray on the Fast Day,
now set apart, the following should not be forgotten:
We should pray for the plots and the schemes which are being
framed for the purpose of robbing us of our civil and political rights
and of obtaining control of our cities, counties and , to be
confounded, and their authors to be thwarted in their evil designs.
We should pray for all who conspire, in any manner, to injure or
destroy the work of God, or take from the people their rights and liberties, to be defeated in their wicked purposes.
We should pray for the unfavorable action of courts and officials
to be overruled in such a manner that no injury will be done to Zion.
We should pray for the of our nation, for the Cabinet, the
Senate, the House of Representatives, the Judiciary and the people of
our nation to be so influence and controlled that their hearts will
be softened towards the people of God, and that they may not