be inclined to listen to the slanderous reports and falsehoods which are circu
lated concerning us, and which may be brought before them; and that all
the officers of our nation may be inspired with such wisdom, justice and mer-
cy that they will fill their stations so as to gain the love and esteem of the people
and the approbation of the Lord.
In the event of the decision of the Supreme Court not being rendered before
the Fast Day concerning our property which has been seized, we should
pray to the Lord to so move upon the hearts of the Judges that they will be
strengthened and filled with courage, so as to render a righteous decision.
We should pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of the people of our nation,
and to open their eyes that they may see us in our true light and be in-
clined to treat us with that kindness and consideration which are due to
fellow citizens who are loyal and true in upholding the Constitution of
our great country.
We should pray for the Lord to come to our help and to deliver us from
the many snares that are spread around us for our overthrow and des-
truction; to make our path plain before us; to lead us so that we may es-
cape from the pits that are dug for our feet.
We should pray that the Lord will pour out in great power His Holy
Spirit and the gifts thereof upon His servants, that every man may be
filled with the qualifications and power which are necessary to enable
him to magnify his office acceptably before the Lord; and that He will
fill the hearts of His Saints with comfort and peace, and witness unto them
that He has not forgotten and does not neglect Zion.
Of course, there are many other blessings that can be prayed for. But
we feel to mention these as being subjects that are prominent in our
minds, and to which our attention is called at the present time, and
for which we ourselves exercise faith before the Lord.
In closing, we suggest to yourselves and the Saints that however
much we may feel aggrieved at the acts of men towards us, we
should not pray for their condemnation. Let us confess our
own sins and pray that we may be forgiven for them, and leave
other sinners to the Lord, who has said that judgment is His, and
He will repay.
-[End of Circular furnished the Bishops Etc Etc]-
Praying to the Lord that He will fill you and the Saints un-
der your presidency with His Holy Spirit and give unto you the
spirit of faith and prayer.
We remain, your Brethren,
Wilford Woodruff
First Presidency of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints."
be inclined to listen to the slanderous reports and falsehoods which are circu
lated concerning us, and which may be brought before them; and that all
the officers of our nation may be inspired with such wisdom, justice and mercy that they will fill their stations so as to gain the love and esteem of the people
and the approbation of the Lord.
In the event of the decision of the Supreme Court not being rendered before
the Fast Day concerning our property which has been seized, we should
pray to the Lord to so move upon the hearts of the Judges that they will be
strengthened and filled with courage, so as to render a righteous decision.
We should pray for the Lord to soften the hearts of the people of our nation,
and to open their eyes that they may see us in our true light and be inclined to treat us with that kindness and consideration which are due to
fellow citizens who are loyal and true in upholding the Constitution of
our great country.
We should pray for the Lord to come to our help and to deliver us from
the many snares that are spread around us for our overthrow and destruction; to make our path plain before us; to lead us so that we may escape from the pits that are dug for our feet.
We should pray that the Lord will pour out in great power His Holy
Spirit and the gifts thereof upon His servants, that every man may be
filled with the qualifications and power which are necessary to enable
him to magnify his office acceptably before the Lord; and that He will
fill the hearts of His Saints with comfort and peace, and witness unto them
that He has not forgotten and does not neglect Zion.
Of course, there are many other blessings that can be prayed for. But
we feel to mention these as being subjects that are prominent in our
minds, and to which our attention is called at the present time, and
for which we ourselves exercise faith before the Lord.
In closing, we suggest to yourselves and the Saints that however
much we may feel aggrieved at the acts of men towards us, we
should not pray for their condemnation. Let us confess our
own sins and pray that we may be forgiven for them, and leave
other sinners to the Lord, who has said that judgment is His, and
He will repay.
[End of Circular furnished the Bishops Etc Etc]
Praying to the Lord that He will fill you and the Saints under your presidency with His Holy Spirit and give unto you the
spirit of faith and prayer.
We remain, your Brethren,
Wilford Woodruff
First Presidency of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints."