Vinal Haven bordering East upon the State of Maine although it was a country
I never had visited. I named my feelings upon the subject to Elder KimballSidney
Rigdon, and some others they incoraged me to go, Elder Kimball blessed me and said
in the name of the Lord I should be blessed and prospered on my mission & do a good
work I made a proposition to Elder Johnathan H. Hale to accompany me upon my
mission which he excepted. On the I parted with my wife and
friends and left Kirtlandin company with Johnathan H Hale, ^who accompanied me by my request^ and walked 12
miles to Fairport we were their joined by Elder Milton Holmes went on board
the Steemer Sandusky arived at Buffaloo at 6 oclock AM, took canal and
arrived at Sarycuse on the , walked 36 miles to Richland Oswego County N York
and called upon my two brothers Azmon and Thompson Woodruff which I
had not seen for several years, we visited the churches as far as Sackets
Harbor, called upon Archiball Patten delivered to him some letters from Warren
Parrish which were stuffed with $100 dollar bills which he had taken from
the Kirtland Bank having been ^a^ Clerk of that institution we visited the American Garrison which was beautiful for situation.We took passage in the Onida & crossed the Lake to Kingston upper Canida there took another steamer up the canal passed through a 12 mile swamp which abounded with fur such as muskrat, auter [otter], beavers & passed through Crambery marsh to Joneses falls there we passedthrough 4 four locks which cost $100,000 each the country around was presented in glorious asspect a rocky, hilly barren uncultivated country we left the canal and walked to Brother Judd's ^we crossed the Lake, visited upper Canida, attended a conference^ We attended a conference with Elders John E Page
& ^J^ Blakesley in the Township of Bastard, Leeds County where there was 8 branches
represented containing 300 members, 13 Elders 5 priest 8 teachers and 6 deacons. Elder Wm Draper and myself ordained 7 Elders 9 Priest 11 Teachers and 5 deacons and
5 was baptized by Elder page at the close of the conference. One ^a^ woman was was
possessed with the Devil she was greatly afflicted and much of the time was dumb
four of us laid hands upon ^her^ and commanded the Devil to come out of her in the
name of Jesus of Nazareth and the evil spirit immediately left her and she was
made whole andshe arose and gave thanks unto God and went her way rejoicing
we visited several other branches preached the word of God and ^several sick were^ healed several that were sick, ^we^ returned to Kingston took steamer for Oswego and canal for Albany
we were accompanied from Canida by John Goodson, Isaac Russel, and John Snider
who left us at Schenectady to join Elders Kimball Hyde & Richard at New York
to go to England. We walked from Albany to Farmington Connecticut, attended a
conference with the saints in Canaan, I arived at my Fathers house on the it being the first time I had seen them ^him my Father or relatives in Connecticut^ since I had joined the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, they received me kindly. On the th I preached
in the city hall in Collinsvill and a mob gathered and attempted to break up the meeting
Vinal Haven bordering East upon the State of Maine although it was a country
I never had visited. I named my feelings upon the subject to Elder KimballSidney
Rigdon, and some others they incoraged me to go, Elder Kimball blessed me and said
in the name of the Lord I should be blessed and prospered on my mission & do a good
work I made a proposition to Elder Johnathan H. Hale to accompany me upon my
mission which he excepted. On the I parted with my wife and
friends and left Kirtland with Johnathan H Hale, who accompanied me by my request and walked 12
miles to Fairport we were their joined by Elder Milton Holmes went on board
the Steemer Sandusky arived at Buffaloo at 6 oclock AM, took canal and
arrived at Sarycuse on the , walked 36 miles to Richland Oswego County N York
and called upon my two brothers Azmon and Thompson Woodruff which I
had not seen for several years, we visited the churches as far as Sackets
Harbor, called upon Archiball Patten delivered to him some letters from Warren
Parrish which were stuffed with $100 dollar bills which he had taken from
the Kirtland Bank having been a Clerk of that institution
we crossed the Lake, visited upper Canida, attended a conference with Elders John E Page
& J Blakesley in the Township of Bastard, Leeds County there was 8 branches
represented containing 300 members, 13 Elders 5 priest 8 teachers and 6 deacons. Elder
Wm Draper and myself ordained 7 Elders 9 Priest 11 Teachers and 5 deacons and
5 was baptized by Elder page at the close of the conference. a woman was
possessed with the Devil she was greatly afflicted and much of the time was dumb
four of us laid hands upon her and commanded the Devil to come out of her in the
name of Jesus of Nazareth and the evil spirit immediately left her and she was
made whole and gave thanks unto God and went her way rejoicing
we visited several other branches preached the word of God and several sick were healed
, we returned to Kingston took steamer for Oswego and canal for Albany
we were accompanied from Canida by John Goodson, Isaac Russel, and John Snider
who left us at Schenectady to join Elders Kimball Hyde & Richard at New York
to go to England. We walked from Albany to Farmington Connecticut, attended a
conference with the saints in Canaan, I arived at my Fathers house on the it being the first time I had seen my Father or relatives in Connecticut since I had joined the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, they received me kindly. On the th I preached
in the city hall in Collinsvill and a mob gathered and attempted to break up the meeting
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