be to prepare himself to dwell with his Father
and God in his presence. It is for this reason
that the millions of spirits that tabernacle
here are sent from the eternal worlds to pass
a short probation in mortal bodies, and they
are all the children of one father. If we re-
ceive the gospel and live its precepts we shall
receive celestial glory; if we reject it we shall
be punished; though we may have a redemp-
tion and a glory, but it will be in a diminished
degree. We should lay these things to heart;
we should endeavor to understand our true
position, and we should do all in our power to
benefit our fellow man and to bring salvation
to the nations.
I rejoice that the Lord still holds the door
open, that we still have the privilege of send-
ing the Elders to the nations; while this door
remains open we shall continue to to the gentile world. When they re-
ject it it will be taken from them and then we
go to the Jews, and the will come
from the north to Zion to be crowned under
the hands of the children of . And
the remnant of the Lamanites who are cursed
below all humanity that we are acquainted
with; who have been filled with the spirit of
bloodshed which they have inherited from
their fathers; they will embrace the gospel in
due time of the Lord. They are of the , and this spirit of war will be taken
from them and they will become the , but not until the gentiles have en-
tirely rejected the gospel. Anciently it was
preached to the Jews first and then to the
gentiles; in the latter times it will be first
preached to the gentiles and then to the Jews,
the first shall be last and the last first. [1 Nephi 13:42] This
is the great work which is laid upon us to-day.
We should be true and faithful to-day and
then we ought to follow this practice until
death, and then shall we be entitled to have
a crown of life. Is it not more honorable to
do good than to do evil; to try to honor and
serve God who is our Father and who has
given us every blessing than sin against him?
Would not such a course bring more happi-
ness and pleasure to us than to blaspheme the
name of God and dishonor ourselves, bring[i]ng
darkness and condemnation to our spirits?
I pray that God may bless us and save us
in his , which I ask in the name of
Jesus Christ: Amen.
be to prepare himself to dwell with his Father
and God in his presence. It is for this reason
that the millions of spirits that tabernacle
here are sent from the eternal worlds to pass
a short probation in mortal bodies, and they
are all the children of one father. If we receive the gospel and live its precepts we shall
receive celestial glory; if we reject it we shall
be punished; though we may have a redemption and a glory, but it will be in a diminshed
degree. We should lay these things to heart;
we should endeavor to understand our true
position, and we should do all in our power to
benefit our fellow man and to bring salvation
to the nations.
I rejoice that the Lord still holds the door
open, that we still have the privilege of sending the Elders to the nations; while this door
remains open we shall continue to preach the
gospel to the gentile world. When they reject it it will be taken from them and then we
go to the Jews, and the ten tribes will come
from the north to Zion to be crowned under
the hands of the children of . And
the remnant of the Lamanites who are cursed
below all humanity that we are acquainted
with; who have been filled with the spirit of
bloodshed which they have inherited from
their fathers; they will embrace the gospel in
due time of the Lord. They are of the house
of Israel, and this spirit of war will be taken
from them and they will become the children
of God, but not until the gentiles have entirely rejected the gospel. Anciently it was
preached to the Jews first and then to the
gentiles; in the latter times it will be first
preached to the gentiles and then to the Jews,
the first shall be last and the last first. This
is the great work which is laid upon us to-day.
We should be true and faithful to-day and
then we ought to follow this practice until
death, and then shall we be entitled to have
a crown of life. Is it not more honorable to
do good than to do evil; to try to honor and
serve God who is our Father and who has
given us every blessing than sin against him?
Would not such a course bring more happiness and pleasure to us than to blaspheme the
name of God and dishonor ourselves, bringing
darkness and condemnation to our spirits?
I pray that God may bless us and save us
in his kingdom, which I ask in the name of
Jesus Christ: Amen.