the signs of the times in which you
live. The signs of the second com-
ing of the son of God are every-
where seen, but the world does
not comprehend them. The devil
is abroad in the earth, and he will
destroy every person that he can.
Search the scriptures that have come
directly to us, as well as those con-
tained in the Bible, and learn to
comprehend the mind and will of
God, which we can do by reading
them when the light of the Holy
Spirit is within us, and thus prepare
yourselves for that which will
come to pass in life. My desire and
my prayer for you and the youth of
Zion is that you may rise up and
magnify your calling and do your
duty, and accomplish all that God
requires of you; which may God
grant for Christ's sake. Amen.
the signs of the times in which you
live. The signs of the second coming of the son of God are everywhere seen, but the world does
not comprehend them. The devil
is abroad in the earth, and he will
destroy every person that he can.
Search the scriptures that have come
directly to us, as well as those contained in the Bible, and learn to
comprehend the mind and will of
God, which we can do by reading
them when the light of the Holy
Spirit is within us, and thus prepare
yourselves for that which will
come to pass in life. My desire and
my prayer for you and the youth of
Zion is that you may rise up and
magnify your calling and do your
duty, and accomplish all that God
requires of you; which may God
grant for Christ's sake. Amen.