I met [went] to the field got a load of straw met with the council
in the Afternoon. I wrote a letter to Uncle Ozem Woodruff
~ Tuesday
25 Chrismas I spent the time mostly at home we had
a Chrismas dinner Lorenzo Snow & Eliza Snow his daughter dined
with us I spent the evening at home. Santa clause called
upon me & demanded for his Appropriatins $35, which I paid
~ Wednesday
26. PI met with The Presidency and Twelve at President Youngsoffice at about 12 oclok. The subjet of the Endowments & 2nd Anointings was presented when President Young said that the order of the 2nd anointing was for the persons to be anointed to be cloathed in their Priestly robes the man upon the right hand and wife or wifes upon the left hand. The Administrator may be dressed in his usual clothing or in his Priestly Robes as he may see fit. The meeting should be opened by Prayer then the Administrator should Anoint the man A King & Priest unto the Most High God. Then he should Anoint his wife or wives Queens & Priestess unto her husband. There should be but one man anointed at any one meeting. If more than one man is anointed in a day, They should come together and open by Prayer as though their had not been any meeting before and thus continue to the End.
President Young said when a woman was Anointed a Queen to a good man and he died & the woman was sealed to another man for time it was not necessary for her to be anointed a Queen again but if she was Anointed a Queen to a man who was not worthy of a wife & she is sealed to another man she should be anointed a Queen unto him. When a good man dies & his wives have not been anointed Queens unto him they may be anointed Queens to him after his death without any Proxey.
In speaking of the Endowments President Young said that
all persons who wished strickly to observedthe law of
the Celestial Marriage should not get married untill
they get their Endowments & are sealed at the Alter
There may be instances whare persons are Aged & infirm
~ Monday
Dec 24, 1866
I met went to the field got a load of straw met with the council
in the Afternoon. I wrote a letter to Uncle Ozem Woodruff
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] 25 Chrismas I spent the time mostly at home we had
a Chrismas dinner Lorenzo Snow & Eliza Snow his daughter dined
with us I spent the Evening at home, Santaclause called
upon me & demanded for his Appropriatins $35 which I paid
~ Wednesday
26. [FIGURE] I met with The Presidency and Twelve at President
YoungsOffice at about 12 oclok. The subjet of the Endowments & 2nd Anointings was presented when President Young said that the order of the 2nd anointing was for the persons to be anointed to be cloathed in their Priestly robes the man upon the right hand and wife or wifes upon the left hand. The Administrator may be dressed in his usual clothing or in his Priestly Robes as he may see fit. The meeting should be opened by Prayer then the Administrator should Anoint the man A King & Priest unto the Most High God. Then he should Anoint his wife or wives Queens & Priestess unto her husband. There should be but one man anointed at any one meeting. If more than one man is anointed in a day, They should come together and open by Prayer as though their had not been any meeting before and thus continue to the End.
Presidet Young said when a woman was Anointed a Queen to a good man and he died & the woman was sealed to another man for time it was not necessary for her to be anointed a Queen again but if she was Anointed a Queen to a man who was not worthy of a wife & she is sealed to another man she should be anointed a Queen unto him. When a good man dies & his wives have not been anointed Queens unto him they may be anointed Queens to him after his death without any Proxey.
In speaking of the Endowments President Young said that
all persons who wished strickly to observethe law of
the Celestial Marriage should not get married untill
they get their Endowments & are sealed at the Altar
There may be instances whare persons are Aged & infirm
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," December 24, 1866 - December 26, 1866, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mZqr