May 11th this is a day long to be remembered by
mye because of the great variety of events that
transpired with me No day of my life was ever
attended with a greater variety of change, circum-
stances & places which my eyes syw [saw] & ears heard &
heart felt than on this day. I arose in the morning
refreshed by sleep & took breakfast with father Alley Sister Alley was rather [tare] in her mind
I endeavored to comforterher in the gospel. Father
Alley conversed freely with me & before I
left him he wished like a father to give me a
some advice which he did & it met a welcome
reception which was as follows to always keep
the outward as well as the inward form in the spirit
of God & to be dictated & approbated of him in
all that we do We took the a farewell of them
& walked to chelsea from thence to Charleston we
here visited the Bunker Hill monument &
walked upon the entrenchment that was flung
up by our brave fathers during the night before
that memoreable & Bloody battle that was
fought upon Bunker Hill. But the roar of
cannon & clash of arms had long since ceased
& the green turf was now trod in He best ^her best^
this is a day having to be remembered by
me because of the great variety of events that
transpired with me No day of my life was ever
attended with a greater variety of change, circumstances
& places which my eyes saw & contend &
heart felt than on this day. I arose in the morning
refreshed by sleep & took breakfast with father
Alley sister Alley was rather low in her mind
I endeavored to comfort her in the gospel. Father
Alley commend [[illegible]] with me & before I
left him he wished like a father to give me
some advice which he did & it met a welcome
reception which was as follows to always keep
the outward as well as the inward formm in the spirit
of God & to be dictated & approbated of him in
all that we do We took a farewell of them,
& walked to Chelsea from thence to Charleston we
here visited the Bunkerhill Monument &
walked upon the entrenchment that was flung
up by our brave fathers during the night before
that memorable & Blood battle that was
fought upon Bunker Hill. But the roar of
cannon & clash of arms had long since ceased
& the green turf was now trod in [[illegible]]