spoke as follows: I realize it is somewhat late, but I want to beg the
indulgence of this assembly a few moments. I felt that as I was a mem-
ber of these Mutual Improvement Associations I wanted to attend this
meeting and hear this lecture. I did not wish to interfere with the time
of Brother Roberts. He has given us an excellent discourse, and has told
us the truth. There are a few things pertaining to this subject on which
I wish to bear my testimony to the young men of Israel.
First, I wish to say a few words regarding Priesthood. There is no mis-
take about the Priesthood of God Almighty. The God of heaven Himself
has created and redeemed this world by the power of that Priesthood;
and no being that ever dwelt on this earth ever has or ever will be able
to do or perform any work pertaining to salvation unless it is by that
eternal and everlasting Priesthood. And where that Priesthood of Al-
mighty God is manifest, the power of that Priesthood is with the people,
no matter what age or generation they have lived in. And I wish to
say that there has been no generation, no dispensation, any greater than
the one in which Joseph Smith was raised up. He laid the foundation of
this great work under God, and He established the Church upon the face
of the whole earth, in fulfilment of revelation and prophecy from Father Adam down to our day; and the Lord has made, and will make no mis-
take in regard to calling a people or giving them the Priesthood.
As I have said, Joseph Smith organized the Church. He lived but a
short time with us—a little longer than the Savior did after He entered
the ministry. The Savior lived about three and a half years from the
spoke as follows: I realize it is somewhat late, but I want to beg the
indulgence of this assembly a few moments. I felt that as I was a member of these Mutual Improvement Associations I wanted to attend this
meeting and hear this lecture. I did not wish to interfere with the time
of Brother Roberts. He has given us an excellent discourse, and has told
us the truth. There are a few things pertaining to this subject on which
I wish to bear my testimony to the young men of Israel.
First, I wish to say a few words regarding Priesthood. There is no mistake about the Priesthood of God Almighty. The God of heaven Himself
has created and redeemed this world by the power of that Priesthood;
and no being that ever dwelt on this earth ever has or ever will be able
to do or perform any work pertaining to salvation unless it is by that
eternal and everlasting Priesthood. And where that Priesthood of Almighty God is manifest, the power of that Priesthood is with the people,
no matter what age or generation they have lived in. And I wish to
say that there has been no generation, no dispensation, any greater than
the one in which Joseph Smith was raised up. He laid the foundation of
this great work under God, and He established the Church upon the face
of the whole earth, in fulfilment of revelation and prophecy from Father
Adam down to our day; and the Lord has made, and will make no mistake in regard to calling a people or giving them the Priesthood.
As I have said, Joseph Smith organized the Church. He lived but a
short time with us—a little longer than the Savior did after He entered
the ministry. The Savior lived about three and a half years from the
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