All of which persons were then ordained unto
the offices assigned them under the Hands of
Elders W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Ezra Thayer
Appropriate remarks were then made by Elders
Woodruff & Smith by way of council & instruction
to those who had been ordained, & was followed
by Elder David Savage. Adjourned to Sunday 10 oclok
~ Sunday
19th Met persuant to adjournment. opened by
singing, & prayer by Elder A. M. Wilsey
A discourse was then deliverd by Elder W. Woodruff
in which he instructed the Elders to be careful to
preach the first principle of the gospel & doctrine [of]
Christ & not spend their time in warring with
the opinions of other men. showed the importance
of revelation, & the necessity of A prophet of God
as the head of the Church on earth, being as
necessary in order to exhist & advance in knowledge
as for a natural body to possess a head in order
to live. He considerd we were enjoying the society
of as good a prophet in this day as any people ever
enjoyed in any age of the world, & believed all good
men would think so when they became fully
aquainted with him & his principles. He was followed
by Elder G. A. Smith who bore testimony to the truth
of the fullness of the gospel. Councilled the Elders to
be humble, and not get head & sholdiers above their
brethren lest they fall like the tallest trees of the forest
that are first swept down by the raging storm &
made many appropriate remarks which was well
received by the congregation. Adjourned untill
2 oclok. Met according to adjournment at the
House of Br Manchester when the sacrament was
administered to the Church & many testimonies
given from the Elders & members present concerning
the truth of the work they had recieved, & conference
was dismissed amid the best of feelings ^which was manifested^ not ownly
All of which persons were then ordained unto
the offices assigned them under the Hands of
Elders W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & Ezra Thayer
Appropriate remarks were then made by Elders
Woodruff & Smith by way of council & instruction
to those who had been ordained, & was followed
by Elder David Savage. Adjourned to Sunday 10 oclok
~ Sunday
19th Met persuant to adjournment, opened by
singing, & prayer by Elder A. M. Wilsey
A discourse was then delivered by Elder W. Woodruff
in which he instructed the Elders to be careful to
preach the first principle of the gospel & doctrine of
Christ & not spend their time in warring with
the opinions of other men, showed the importance
of revelation, & the necessity of A prophet of God
as the head of the church on earth, being as
necessary in order to exhist & advance in knowledge
as for a natural body to possess a head in order
to live. He considered we were enjoying the society
of as good a prophet in this day as any people ever
enjoyed in any age of the world, & believed all good
men would think so when they became fully
aquainted with him & his principles. He was followed
by Elder G. A. Smith who bore testimony to the truth
of the fullness of the gospel, councilled the Elders to
be humble, and not get head & sholdiers above their
brethren lest they fall like the tallest trees of the forest
that are first swept down by the raging storm &
made many appropriate remarks which was well
received by the congregation. Adjourned untill
2 oclok. Met according to adjournment at the
House of Br Manchester when the sacrament was
administered to the church & many testimonies
given from the Elders & members present concerning
the truth of the work they had recieved, & conference
was dismissed amid the best of feelings, not ownly
which was manifested
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," May 18, 1844 - May 19, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,