17th 5 I wrote five letters to the following
Persons viz Smith Tuttle, M. Holmes, L Scamman Freedom and Shuah Molton, and Sister Jerman
I accompanied the Twelve to the Temple and
we went onto the top of its walls & viewed the
country, encouraged the workman. I had
some council from Elder Young concerning the
affairs of the kingdom my mishion &c
~ Sunday
18th[FIGURE] Sunday I met I vast congregation
of the Saints at the grove to hear a discourse
from President Young upon the present excite-
ment that is through Nauvoo in consequence of
unwise teaching by some that are trying to
draw away a party after them the following is
a synopsis of the discourse
President Young arose and said that he ^"I^ had^ve^ many
things to speak of. It was my mind in the first
place that we should have suitable time to meditate
upon all matters and weigh them, even evry
subject wharein we felt interested. When the
question was asked me if they should con-
tinue to Baptise for the dead, I said I had no
council to give upon that subject at that time ^present^ but
should think it not best to attend to it at that
time. I have learned some things I did not know
when I came home. I discover a disposition toin
the sheep to scatter abroad now the shepherd is taken
away. I do not say that it will never be right for
this people to go from here or scatter abroad but let
them wait untill the time comes & untill they
get council to do so. The report has gone forth through
the city that the Twelve has^ve^ a secret understanding
~ Saturday
17th [FIGURE] 5 I wrote five letters to the following
Persons viz Smith Tuttle. M. Holmes, L ScammanFreedom and Shuah Molton. and Sister Jerman
I accompanied the Twelve to the Temple and
we went onto the top of its walls & viewed the
Country, encouraged the workman. I had
some council from Elder Young concerning the
affairs of the kingdom my mishion &c
~ Sunday
18th [FIGURE] Sunday I met I vast congregation
of the Saints at the grove to hear a discourse
from President Young upon the present excitement that is through Nauvoo in consequence of
unwise teaching by some that are trying to
draw away a party after them the following is
a synopsis of the discourse
President Young arose and said I have many
things to speak of. It was my mind in the first
place that we should have suitable time to meditate
upon all matters and weigh them, even evry
subject wharein we felt interested. When the
question was asked me if they should con
tinue to Baptise for the dead. I said I had no
council to give upon that subject at present but
should think it not best to attend to it at that
time. I have learned some things I did not know
when I came home. I discover a disposition in
the sheep to scatter abroad now the shepherd is taken
away. I do not say that it will never be right for
this people to go from here or scatter abroad but let
them wait untill the time comes & untill they
get Council to do so. The report has gone forth through
the city that the Twelve have a secret understanding
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 17, 1844 - August 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/O7N