Voted that the general superintendance direction
and control of the emigration in England to be at
the disposal of Brigham Young President of the
quorum of the Twelve.
Elder O. Hyde returned home to Nauvoo
to day. I rode in company with Sister Brown
Mrs Woodruff to Sister Browns.
~ Wednesday
14th I met in council with the Twelve, Nauvoo House and Temple commities and the
Temple stone cutters, in order to create a
unity of feelings and action and an equality
of pay an&c. A good feeling was manifest
~ Thursday
15th I am settelling up all my accounts and paying
all that I owe so I may be prepared to take
a mission to england. Elizabeth Frazier commen-
ced work at my house this day
I met in council with the Twelve in
the fore part of the day, they resolved to bear of[f]
the Kingdom of God in all the world, in truth, honesty
virtue, and Holiness, & set their faces as a flint
against evry species of wickedness, vice and
dishonestey, in all its forms.
I met with the quorum in the afternoon for
Prayer, to Pray for the sick Mrs Woodruff was
with me [FIGURE]Geo. M[FIGURE] Mrs. M Br and Sister Miller was
Present was Prayed for as Sister Miller was
quite out of health
~ Friday
16th Walked to the Temple with H C Kimball I saw
two of the caps finished with a mans face with two
trumpets over his head
Voted that the general superintendance direction
and control of the emigration in England to be at
the disposal of Brigham Young President of the
quorum of the Twelve.
W Richards Clerk B Young President
14th I met in council with the Twelve,
Nauvoo House and Temple commities and the
Temple stone cutters, in order to create a
unity of feelings and action and an equality
of pay &c. A good feeling was manifest
~ Thursday
15th I am settelling up all my accounts and paying
all that I owe so I may be prepared to take
a mission to england. Elizabeth Frazier commenced work at my house this day
I met in council with the Twelve [FIGURE] in
the fore part of the day, they resolved to bear off
the Kingdom of God in all the world, in truth, honesty
virtue, and Holiness, & set their faces as a flint
against evry species of wickedness, vice and
dishonesty, in all its forms.
[FIGURE] I met with the quorum in the afternoon for
Prayer, to Pray for the sick Mrs Woodruff was
with me [FIGURE] Geo MMrs M Br and Sister Miller was
Present was Prayed for as Sister Miller was
quite out of health
~ Friday
16th Walked to the Temple with H C Kimball I saw
two of the caps finished with a mans face with two
trumpets over his head
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 12, 1844 - August 16, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025,