with those men who are going away to take a ^& taking^
companys with them, that they shall take all
they can but ^& although^ the Twelve will blow it up in
public but ^yet^ privately ^they^ wish it to go on, but if
it was the last words I had to say before going into
the Eternal world I would swear by the Holy
Trinity that it was ^is^ utterly fals and not a word
of truth in it, their is no man ^that has^ any right to
lead away one soul out of this city by the consent
of the Twelve, except Lyman Wight and Geo
Miller ^who have^ had the privilege of taking the Pine Company
whare they pleased but not anyother soul has
the consent of the Twelve to go with them. Their^re^
is no man ^who has^ any liberty to lead away people into
the wilderness from this Church or to lead them
any whare els not by the consent of the Twelve
or the Church except the case above named and
I tel you in the name of Jesus Christ, that if
Lyman Wight & Geo Miller take a course contrary
to our council, and will not act in consent with
us, but take a course against us they will be
damned and go to destruction, and if men
will not stop striving to be great and exhalted and
lead away parties from us, and strive to weaken
our hands they will fall and not rise again, and
I will destroy their influence in this Church with
the help of God and my brethren. I wish you to
distinctly to understand that the councel of the
Twelve is for evry family that does not belong to the
Pine Company to stay here in Nauvoo, and build up
the Temple & get your endowment, dont
scatter. United we stand divided we fall. it has
been whispered about that all that go into the
wilderness with Wight and Miller will get their
endowment, but they cannot give an endowment
with those men who are going away & taking
company with them, that they shall take all
they can although the Twelve will blow it up in
public yet privately they wish it to go on, but if
it was the last words I had to say before going into
the Eternal world I would swear by the Holy
Trinity that it is utterly fals and not a word
of truth in it, their is no man that has any right to
lead away one soul out of this city by the consent
of the Twelve, except Lyman Wight and Geo
Miller who have had the privilege of taking the Pine Company
whare they pleased but not another soul has
the consent of the Twelve to go with them. There
is no man who has any liberty to lead away people into
the wilderness from this Church or to lead them
any whare els by the consent of the Twelve
or the Church except the case above named and
I tel you in the name of Jesus Christ, that if
Lyman Wight & Geo Miller take a course contrary
to our council, and will not act in consent with
us they will be
damned and go to destruction, and if men
will not stop striving to be great and exalted and
lead away parties from us and strive to weaken
our hands they will fall and not rise again. and
I will destroy their influence in this church with
the help of God and my brethren. I wish you to
distinctly understand that the Council of the
Twelve is for evry family that does not belong to the
Pine Company to stay here in Nauvoo, and build up
the Temple & get your endowment, dont
scatter. United we stand divided we fall. it has
been whispered about that all that go into the
wilderness with Wight and Miller will get their
endowment, but they cannot give an endowment
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/P1n