so with our Savior men looked upon him as an
impostor and Beelzebub the Prince of devils, and
when he was crucifyed they were not satisfyed
with his dying merely but went and thrust a
spear into his side and their came out Blood and
water. [John 19:33-34] But how is it now with the Savior. all
profess to believe on him they dont talk about
what his persecutors said were his bad deeds but
his good ones. whan a man dies his bad deeds die
with him and his virtues live and grow brighter.
The gentiles say if I had lived in the days of the
Sav[i]or I would not have killed him but would have
rejoiced. But imagin yourselfs living in the
days of the an inspired man how would you
look upon him. as the worst of men the same as
they did. A man told me he dreamed that some
man spoke to him and said Lama, Lama, and
he looked and it was Joseph Smith retreating from
him and saying those words, the interpetation of
which is my God my God & when Joseph Smith
was shot he repeated those words. So with the
Savior when he was cruscified he said Lama,
Lama, Sabaethana. [Matthew 27:46] As the Jews were not satisfied
with killing Jesus Christ, but must thrust a spear into
his side so with the gentiles they were not satisfyed
with shooting the Prophet but stabed him with a
dagger in the breast. as so[o]n as they killed them they
all fled and in an hour their was not a man left in the
place, but the wicked flea when no man persues,
but why did the people murder this Prophet what
were they afraid of. O if he lives he will take
away our power of goverment get the rule in his
own hands and we will be distroyed, but they were
mistaken. If they had let him alone or had recie-
ved him he would have saved the nation from ruin
and destruction. But now the nation has got to
answer for his blood and the blood of his brother
both of which were the Lords anointed besids
so with our Savior men looked upon him as an
impostor and Beelzebub the Prince of devils, and
when he was crucifyed they were not satisfyed
with his dying merely but went and thrust a
spear into his side and their came out Blood and
water. But how is it now with the Savior, all
profess to believe on him they dont talk about
what his persecutors said were his bad deeds but
his good ones. whan a man dies his bad deeds die
with him and his virtues live and grow brighter.
The gentiles say if I had lived in the days of the
Savior I would not have killed him but would have
rejoiced. But imagin yourselfs living in the
days of an inspired man how would you
look upon him, as the worst of men the same as
they did. A man told me he dreamed that some
man spoke to him and said Lama, Lama, and
he looked and it was Joseph Smith retreating from
him and saying those words, the interpetation of
which is my God my God & when Joseph Smith
was shot he repeated those words. So with the
Savior when he was crucified he said Lama,
Lama, Sabaethana. As the Jews were not satisfied
with killing Jesus Christ, but must thrust a spear into
his side so with the gentiles they were not satisfied
with shooting the Prophet but stabed him with a
dagger in the breast, as soon as they killed them they
all fled and in an hour their was not a man left in the
place, but the wicked flea when no man persues,
but why did the people murder this Prophet what
were they afraid of. O if he lives he will take
away our power of goverment get the rule in his
own hands and we will be distroyed, but they were
mistaken. If they had let him alone or had recieved him he would have saved the nation from ruin
and destruction. But now the nation has got to
answer for his blood and the blood of his brother
both of which were the Lords anointed besids
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," July 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,