his commission as a messenger of peace
and salvation as one of the Lord's noble
men I can fervently say may the Lord
clear his way before him, and bless him,
and bless those that obey his teachings
wherever there are ears to hear & hearts to
feel. He is in the language of the Hebrews
-[{The friend of Israel}]-
(Hau-ra-ang yeesh-rau-ale) The friend
of Israel and worthy to be received and
entertained as a man of God: yea he has as
had the ancient Apostle {good word}
(Ologos Ohalos) thegoodword: that that
leadeth unto eternal Life {Praise God}.
Prraise God.
Wherefore brethren and friends
while you hear the assurance of the integrity,
fidelity, and ability of this servant of the
living GOD, trusting that your hearts and
energies will be enlivened and deeply engaged
in the building of these houses, directed by Revelat-
ion for the salvation of all Saints; and that you
will not rest whare you are untill all things are
prepared before you and you are gatherd home
with the rest of Israel to meet your God; I feel
strong in the belief and have a growing expectation
that you will not withhold any means in your
power that can be used to accomplish this
Glorious work. Finally as one that greatly desires
the salvation of man; let me remind you all
to strive with a godly zeal for virtue, holiness,
and the commandments of the Lord, Be good,
Be wise; be just, be liberal; and above all be char-
itable always abounding in all good works
his commission as a messenger of peace
and salvation as one of the Lord's noble
men I can fervently say may the Lord
clear his way before him, and bless him,
and bless those that obey his teachings
wherever there are ears to hear & hearts to
feel. He is in the language of the Hebrews
(Hau-ra-ang yeesh-rau-ale) The friend
of Israel and worthy to be received and
entertained as a man of God: yea he has as
had the ancient Apostle O'✦✦✦✦✦ O'✦✦✦✦✦
(ologos ohales) thegoodword: that that
leadeth unto eternal Life Laus Deus.
Prraise God.
Wherefore brethren and friends
while you hear the assurance of the integrity,
fidelity, and ability of this servant of the
living GOD, trusting that your hearts and
energies will be enlivened and deeply engaged
in the building of these houses, directed by Revelation for the Salvation of all Saints; and that you
will not rest whare you are untill all things are
prepared before you and you are gatherd home
with the rest of Israel to meet your God; I feel
strong in the belief and have a growing expectation
that you will not withhold any means in your
power that can be used to accomplish this
Glorious work. Finally as one that greatly desires
the salvation of man; let me remind you all
to strive with a godly zeal for virtue, holiness,
and the commandments of the Lord, Be good,
Be wise, be just, be liberal; and above all be charitable always abounding in all good works
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," June 1, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lNr