& eunice & Sister Mary who started for
home in Farmington I stayed & spent the
night in symsbury & preached in the
evening in the school house, to a small congregation
who gave good attention Aunt Cossett &
family & Bulah was present & seemed to enjoy
themselves well . . .
A sad accident
happened to James Camp & wife in Farmington
on Saturday the 2nd Aug they were both flung
from their carriage Mr Camp was badly brused
& Mrs Camp was killed so sudden that she
ownly spoke once. It was a great trial to the
~ Thursday
7th I took stage & rode to Westfield &
called upon Ashbel Dewey the presiding
Elder at Little River, gave out an appointment
for a meeting with the Saints & met with
them at Br Samuel Ensign's had a good
meeting the Church in this place consists of
39 members, & in the Town of Russel their
is a branch of the Church of 15 members 10
8 miles west of Westfield Mass distance 20 m
~ Friday
8th I left the Saints at Westfield & took the
rail cares & rode to Boston in the second class
fare was $2.30 arived at Boston at 7 oclok
Distance to Boston 120 miles
On my arival to the city I found Elder G. A
Smith & another Br waiting for me at the railroad
we carried our trunks to a Brothers & went to
meeting at Boylston Hall Cornor of Boylston
& washington streets here I had the privile [a]gain
of meeting again with some of the Twelve viz H C KimballJ. E. Page, O. Pratt, & G. A. Smith.
& eunice & Sister Mary who started for
home in Farmington I stayed & spent the
night in symsbury & preached in the
evening in the school house, to a small congregation
who gave good attention Aunt Cossett &
family & Bulah was present & seemed to enjoy
themselves well...
A sad accident
happened to James Camp & wife in Farmington
on Saturday the 2nd Aug they were both flung
from their carriage Mr Camp was badly brused
& Mrs Camp was killed so sudden that she
ownly spoke once. It was a great trial to the
~ Thursday
7th I took stage & rode to westfield &
called upon Ashbel Dewey the presiding
Elder at Little River, gave out an appointment
for a meeting with the Saints & met with
them at Br Samuel Ensign's had a good
meeting the Church in this place consists of
39 members, & in the Town of Russel their
is a branch of the Church of 15 members
8 miles west of Westfield Mass distance 20 m
~ Friday
8th I left the Saints at Westfield & took the
rail cares & rode to Boston in the second class
fare was $2.30 arived at Boston at 7 oclok
Distance to Boston 120 miles
On my arival to the City I found Elder G. A
Smith & another Br waiting for me at the railroad
we carried our trunks to a Brothers & went to
meeting at Boylston Hall Cornor of Boylston
& Washington streets here I had the privile again
of meeting again with some of the Twelve viz
H C KimballJ. E. Page, O. Pratt, & G. A. Smith.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," September 6, 1843 - September 8, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/vor