of the hearts fathers unto the children & the hearts
of the children unto the fathers even those who are
in heaven. Malachi says I will send Eligjah befor
the great and dredful day of the Lord come & He
shall turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Children
and the hearts of the Children to the Fathers lest I
come & smite the earth with a curse. [Malachi 4:5-6] Now what I
am after is the knowledge of God & I take my own
course to obtain it. what are we to under^stand^ by this
in the last days. in the days of Noah God destroyed
the world by a flood [Genesis 7] & has promised to destroy
it by fire in the last days [2 Peter 3:12] but before it took place
Elijah should first come & turn the hearts of
the Fathers to the children &c. now comes the
point what is this office & work of Elijah. it is
one of the greatest & most important subjects that
God has revealed. He should send Elijah to seal the
children to the fathers & fathers to the children. now
was this merely confined to the living to settle diffic-
ulties with families on earth. by no means, it was a
far greater work Elijah what would you do if you
was here? would you confine ^refer^ ^confine^ your work to the
living alone. No I would confine ^refer^ you to the
scriptures whare the subject is manifest, ie without
us they could not be made perfect, nor we
without them, the fathers without the children
nor the children without the fathers. [Doctrine and Covenants 128:15] I wish
you to understand this subject for it is important
& if you will recieve it this is the spirit of Elijah
that we redeem our dead & connect ourselves
with our fathers which are in heaven & seal
up our dead to come forth in the first resurrection
& here we want the power of Elijahtoseal those who dwell on earthtothosewhichdwell
in heaven this is the power of Elijah & the keys
of the fathers unto the Children & the hearts
of the children unto the fathers even those who are
in heaven. Malachi says I will send Elijah befor
the great and dredful day of the Lord come & He
shall turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Children
and the hearts of the Children to the Fathers lest I
come & smite the earth with a curse. Now what I
am after is the knowledge of God & I take my own
course to obtain it, what are we to understand by this
in the last days, in the days of Noah God destroyed
the world by a flood & has promised to destroy
it by fire in the last days but before it took place
Elijah should first come & turn the hearts of
the Fathers to the children &c. now comes the
point what is this office & work of Elijah, it is
one of the greatest & most important subjects that
God has revealed, he should send Elijah to seal the
children to the fathers & fathers to the children, now
was this merely confined to the living to settle difficulties with families on earth, by no means, it was a
far greater work Elijah what would you do if you
was here? would you confine your work to the
living alone. No. I would refer you to the
scriptures whare the subject is manifest, ie without
us they could not be made perfect nor we
without them, the fathers without the children
nor the children without the fathers. I wish
you to understand this subject for it is important
& if you will recieve it this is the spirit of Elijah
that we redeem our dead & connect ourselves
with our fathers which are in heaven & seal
up our dead to come forth in the first resurrection
& here we want the power of Elijahtosealthose who dwell on earthtothosewhichdwell
in heaven this is the power of Elijah & the keys
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," March 10, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Byk