SmithProphesyed that within five years we
should be rid of our old enemies whether they
were Apostates or of the world & wished us to
record it that when it comes to pass that
we need not say we had forgotten the
~ Monday
26 A cold wind from the north Br Reed
worked for me a part of the day I met with
the quorum in the evening but meeting
closed soon after we arived. Fathers John
Smith & wife & Isaac Morley & wife met with
the quorum in the afternoon & evening
I took a severe cold & had a sick night
^Father John Smith & wife Isaac Morley & wife r[e]c[eive]d their 2nd Anointing & sealings^
~ Tuesday
27th I arose sick in the morning a cold had
settelled in my face & teeth & I was in
pain through the day. I had a number of
visiters through the day Br & Sister Benbow
Sister Bunday & Job, & others Br Reed & Snow worked for me to day I went to
bed about dark sick & spent a severe night
of paine I did not sleep any during the night
~ Wednesday
28th I spent an exeeding sick day my face
was swollen so that I could scarsly see out
of my eyes & pain from my eye tooth was
vary severe I spent the night also without
sleep because of paine
~ Thursday
29th The morning found me still in great
distress Elders G. A Smith & Whitney came & lade hands upon me & towards night I began
to recover & I had a comfortable & quiate nights
Smith Prophesyed that within five years we
should be rid of our old enemies whether they
were apostates or of the world & wished us to
record it that when it comes to pass that
we need not say we had forgotten the
~ Monday
26 A cold wind from the north Br Reed
worked for me a part of the day I met with
the quorum in the evening [FIGURE] but meeting
closed soon after we arived. Fathers John
Smith & wife & Isaac Morley & wife met with
the quorum in the afternoon & evening
I took a severe cold & had a sick night
Father John Smith & wife Isaac Morley & wife had their 2d Anointing & sealings
~ Tuesday
27th I arose sick in the morning a cold
had settelled in my face & teeth & I was in
pain through the day, I had a number of
visiters through the day Br & Sister BenbowSister Bunday & Job, & others. Br Reed &
Snow worked for me to day I went to
bed about dark sick & spent a severe night
of pain I did not sleep any during the night
~ Wednesday
28th I spent an exeeding sick day my face
was swollen so that I could scarsly see out
of my eyes & pain from my eye tooth was
vary severe I spent the night also without
sleep because of paine
~ Thursday
29th The morning found me still in great
distress Elders G. A Smith & Whitney came &
lade hands upon me & towards night I began
to recover & I had a comfortable & quiate nights
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," February 25, 1844 - February 29, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,