and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle." (Psalm 24, 7-8). What was
the subject of the vision thus portrayed by the prophet and where was
it to take place? He saw the Savior making His triumpjhial entry into
the infernal regions, and with irresistable power the gates and doors
are made to fly open, and the immortal King stands in the midst of the
prisoners of the spirit world. Thus the full import of that beautiful
passage of the psalmist would read: List up your heads, oh ye
gates of hell, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors of the prisons
of the damned, and the King of glory shall come in, to the regions of
darkness proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the
prison doors to them that are bound in hell. If the antideluvians after
their long sojourn in the regions of darkness were had in remembrance
before God so that He sent His beloved Son to preach to them the Gospel
during the time His body lay in the tomb, what shall be done for those
who have died since the Savior's visit to the spirit world? As His
Apostles and all His faithful followers served Him in life, who shall
saty that after death they will not follow His example, and continue to
serve Him by going to the spirit world and there preaching to the
spirits in prison who have died without a knowledge of the Gospel? And
when these poor benighted beings after their long captivity under the
reign of Lucifer, listen to the precious truths of the Gospel of Christ
and become converted, straightway the question arises, How can I obey
the ordinances of baptism? I am in a disembodied state of existence,
yet my Savior has said: "Except ye are born of the water and of the
spirit ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." [John 3:5] Oh wonderful plan
provided by the Almighty! The living may be baptized for the dead. It
is very plain that this great principle was understood by the ancient
Saints as will be seen by the words of the Apostle addressed to
the Corinthians: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the
dead if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the
dead?" (I Cor. 15, 29)
and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle." (Psalm 24, 7-8). What was
the subject of the vision thus portrayed by the prophet and where was
it to take place? He saw the Savior making His triumphial entry into
the infernal regions, and with irresistable power the gates and doors
are made to fly open, and the immortal King stands in the midst of the
prisoners of the spirit world. Thus the full import of that beautiful
passage of the psalmist would read: List up your heads, oh ye
gates of hell, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors of the prisons
of the damned, and the King of glory shall come in, to the regions of
darkness proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the
prison doors to them that are bound in hell. If the antideluvians after
their long sojourn in the regions of darkness were had in remembrance
before God so that He sent His beloved Son to preach to them the Gospel
during the time His body lay in the tomb, what shall be done for those
who have died since the Savior's visit to the spirit world? As His
Apostles and all His faithful followers served Him in life, who shall
say that after death they will not follow His example, and continue to
serve Him by going to the spirit world and there preaching to the
spirits in prison who have died without a knowledge of the Gospel? And
when these poor benighted beings after their long captivity under the
reign of Lucifer, listen to the precious truths of the Gospel of Christ
and become converted, straightway the question arises, How can I obey
the ordinances of baptism? I am in a disembodied state of existence,
yet my Savior has said: "Except ye are born of the water and of the
spirit ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." Oh wonderful plan
provided by the Almighty! The living may be baptized for the dead. It
is very plain that this great principle was understood by the ancient
Saints as will be seen by the words of the Apostle addressed to
the Corinthians: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the
dead if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the
dead?" (I Cor. 15, 29)