Here with I send you material that I have prepared for a
Tract subject to your approval. The Tracts we now have in this missn
sion are unsatisfactory, and if this meets your approval I should
like very much to have the privelege of getting it published, as I
think it will be suitable for our work in this mission.
Our Tracts obtained from Chattanooga, cost us 60 cents
per 100 ^delivered here^ and when we send them out to the Elders in small quantities
there is another 18 cents added for stamps per each 100 this brings
them rather high, whereas if we could have a good supply on hand
when an Elder goes out to his field of labor he could take with
him sufficient to last his district for some time and this would
cut off as time rolls on, quite an amount fthrat we now pay out for
stamps. I understand that the Tracts cost in Chattanooga 42 cents
per 100. We have an offer from a reliable firm to publish the Tract,
if we give an order forr 40,000 the price to be $145.50. As this w
will bring the tTracts down to a fraction over 36 cents per 100, and
by haveing a good supply on hand ^will^ enable us to send them out with
the Elders when they go to their several fields, in many cases enou-
gh to last them till they return. By this means we can furnish
twice the amount of reading matter for what our Tracts now cost us.
And thus scatter the writen word more freely. The 40,000 Tracts
will not be more than enough for six or eight months supply, at the
rate we need to use them and arfter that a better price can be obtai-
ned as the price above includes the stereotype.
Should you approve of the Tract, and of the matter of
getting them published here, please return me the coppy. If in your
judgement you think it can be improved by adding to, in any partic-
ular part, or by cutting out any thing that is objectionable, please
signify your wishes in the matter. I designed to have the articles
of faith added, and if you could send me a plate of the Temple to
place the picture of that noble edifice on the outer leaf I think i
it would lend an added interest to the Tract.
The San Francisco Call, has just published tte the out-
line of a semrmon that I delivered last night, They also mailed free
to our friends, mostly in Utah, about 120 coppies of the paper. I had
a coppy sent toeach of the Presidency, They sent their artist to
take my picture as it appears in the paper.
Ever praying for the blessing of heave to rest in rich
abundance upon you and your associates, I remain,
Very truly yours,
E. H. Nye
508 Fulton St. San Francisco, Calif.
Here with I send you material that I have prepared for a
Tract subject to your approval. The Tracts we now have in this miss
sion are unsatisfactory, and if this meets your approval I should
like very much to have the privelege of getting it published, as I
think it will be suitable for our work in this mission.
Our Tracts obtained from Chattanooga, cost us 60 cents
per 100 delivered here and when we send them out to the Elders in small quantities
there is another 18 cents added for stamps per each 100 this brings
them rather high, whereas if we could have a good supply on hand
when an Elder goes out to his field of labor he could take with
him sufficient to last his district for some time and this would
cut off as time rolls on, quite an amountthat we now pay out for
stamps. I understand that the Tracts cost in Chattanooga 42 cents
per 100. We have an offer from a reliable firm to publish the Tract,
if we give an order for 40,000 the price to be $145.50. As this w
will bring theTracts down to a fraction over 36 cents per 100, and
by haveing a good supply on hand will enable us to send them out with
the Elders when they go to their several fields, in many cases enough to last them till they return. By this means we can furnish
twice the amount of reading matter for what our Tracts now cost us.
And thus scatter the writen word more freely. The 40,000 Tracts
will not be more than enough for six or eight months supply, at the
rate we need to use them and after that a better price can be obtained as the price above includes the stereotype.
Should you approve of the Tract, and of the matter of
getting them published here, please return me the coppy. If in your
judgement you think it can be improved by adding to, in any particular part, or by cutting out any thing that is objectionable, please
signify your wishes in the matter. I designed to have the articles
of faith added, and if you could send me a plate of the Temple to
place the picture of that noble edifice on the outer leaf I think
it would lend an added interest to the Tract.
The San Francisco Call, has just published the outline of a sermon that I delivered last night, They also mailed free
to our friends, mostly in Utah, about 120 coppies of the paper. I had
a coppy sent toeach of the Presidency, They sent their artist to
take my picture as it appears in the paper.
Ever praying for the blessing of heave to rest in rich
abundance upon you and your associates, I remain,