In the meridian of ^at the appointed^ time the Savior came and dwelt among the chil-
dren of men. Having been born in the stable, and cradled in the manger
the days and years of His childhood and youth were spent with His par-
ents in the ordinary walks and avocations of life. Though there were
some wonderful things occured in relation to His immaculate conception
and birth: Angelic choirs from the upper deep descended chanting glad
tidings of great joy, peace on earth, good will to man; cunning
plans were baffled; his boundless rage, his cruel edict, the death of
the innocents; heavenly warning to flee to with the young
Child; his journey and return, his stay in that the Scriptures
might be fulfilled "He shall be called a Nazerene" [Matthew 2:23] — all these dropped
out of the public mind, and as the years rolled by were forgotten and
lost except by His relatives and friends. As He sojourned among men
during the years of His youth and early manhood there was nothing in
His life to attract the attention of His fellows until He unostentatious-
ly walked down into the waters of the river and there was bap-
tized by , and though the Holy Ghost descending from the upper deep
was seen, as Jesus walked out of the water, to rest upon Him in the form
of a dove, and a voice from heaven was heard to say "This is my beloved
Son in whom I am well pleased" yet men did not in Him recognize the Son
of God. [Matthew 3:17] Though He preached the Gospel of Repentance and Baptism for the
remission of sins, chose and ordained twelve Apostles and sent them
forth to preach, and went forth healing all manner of sickness and dire
disease Himself—causing. the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to
walk and leap for joy, teaching as no other man had taught, healing as
no other man had healed, rebuking as no other had ever dared rebuke men
for the sins they daily committed, they rejected Him and condemned Him
to a cruel death, and though He rose again (which fact was noised abroad
so that all the inhabitants of were cognizant of it) yet they
could not see in Him the Savior of the world.
On the great day of Pentecost when there were gathered together de-
vout men of all the surrounding nations, "suddenly there came a sound
from heaven, as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled all the house
where they were sitting, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues
like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them (the Apostles) and they
were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues
as the Spirit gave them utterance" and the people of the multitude were
all amazed for they hqrd heard the wonderful works of God each in his
own tongue. [Acts 2:2-4] , standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and
said unto them, "Ye men of , and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be
this known unto you, and hearken to my words." Then, repeating the
words of the Prophet , he showed to them that Christ should come,
and briefly sketching the history of His life, recounting His wonderful
works and noble deeds, showing forth the fact to the people that they
had by cruel hands put Him to death, thus crucifying the Lord of glory;
that in fulfillment of the Prophet's words, God had raised Him from the
dead; that on the third day He had been seen by the Apostles and many
others with whom He had conversed, "whereof we all are witnesses" [Acts 2:32] There-
fore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the
at the appointed time the Savior came and dwelt among the children of men. Having been born in the stable, and cradled in the manger
the days and years of His childhood and youth were spent with His parents in the ordinary walks and avocations of life. Though there were
some wonderful things occured in relation to His immaculate conception
and birth: Angelic choirs from the upper deep descended chanting glad
tidings of great joy, peace on earth, good will to man; cunning
plans were baffled; his boundless rage, his cruel edict, the death of
the innocents; heavenly warning to flee to with the young
Child; his journey and return, his stay in that the Scriptures
might be fulfilled "He shall be called a Nazerene" — all these dropped
out of the public mind, and as the years rolled by were forgotten and
lost except by His relatives and friends. As He sojourned among men
during the years of His youth and early manhood there was nothing in
His life to attract the attention of His fellows until He unostentatiously walked down into the waters of the river and there was baptized by , and though the Holy Ghost descending from the upper deep
was seen, as Jesus walked out of the water, to rest upon Him in the form
of a dove, and a voice from heaven was heard to say "This is my beloved
Son in whom I am well pleased" yet men did not in Him recognize the Son
of God. Though He preached the Gospel of Repentance and Baptism for the
remission of sins, chose and ordained twelve Apostles and sent them
forth to preach, and went forth healing all manner of sickness and dire
disease Himself—causing. the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to
walk and leap for joy, teaching as no other man had taught, healing as
no other man had healed, rebuking as no other had ever dared rebuke men
for the sins they daily committed, they rejected Him and condemned Him
to a cruel death, and though He rose again (which fact was noised abroad
so that all the inhabitants of were cognizant of it) yet they
could not see in Him the Savior of the world.
On the great day of Pentecost when there were gathered together devout men of all the surrounding nations, "suddenly there came a sound
from heaven, as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled all the house
where they were sitting, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues
like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them (the Apostles) and they
were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues
as the Spirit gave them utterance" and the people of the multitude were
all amazed for they heard the wonderful works of God each in his
own tongue. , standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and
said unto them, "Ye men of , and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be
this known unto you, and hearken to my words." Then, repeating the
words of the Prophet , he showed to them that Christ should come,
and briefly sketching the history of His life, recounting His wonderful
works and noble deeds, showing forth the fact to the people that they
had by cruel hands put Him to death, thus crucifying the Lord of glory;
that in fulfillment of the Prophet's words, God had raised Him from the
dead; that on the third day He had been seen by the Apostles and many
others with whom He had conversed, "whereof we all are witnesses" Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the