would call upon Great Britton to defend them against the Northern States & gGreat
Britton would call upon other Nations to Defend them against other Nations &
this war would be poured out upon all Nations & the Slaves would be
marshaled in battel many against their masters. [Doctrine and Covenants 87:1-4] And the Remnant of the Lamanites
would also go forth among the Gentiles & devour them like the Lion among the flocks
of sheep & this war would End in the Death & misery of many souls, & the
Lord would also visit the Nation with thunder & lighting & tempest & whirlwind
& pestilence & Famine & the flame of Devouring fire & the Lord would visit all
the Nations of the Earth with these Judgments untill the Earth was clensed
from the wickednesss & abominations which now reign & the Blood of the Saints
& prophets which had been shed upon the Earth should fully be avenged And Now
Brother Ozem let me tell you in the Name of Jesus Christ that the Lord has commenced
to fulfill these Revelations upon the United Stats & he has commenced a [controversy]
with all Nations & He will never scease untill He has accomplished his purposes
and fulfilled his words & though the Heavens & Earth pass away not one jot or tittle of his
words will fall unfulfilled & the time is at hand when Evry man who will not take
his sword against his Neighbor will have to loose his life or flee to zion for safety
the world will not Believe this Nevertheless they will soon see it. The Church & kingdom of
God is shup up here in these chambers of the mountains & here we will Remain untill
the indignation of the Lord passes over, then we shall Return to Jackson County
Missouri & build up Zion & the Great Temple of our God in that Land upon
the conescrated spot, & this the Latter Day Saints will do as true as God lives
would call upon Great Britton to defend them against the Northern States &Great
Britton would call upon other Nations to Defend them against other Nations &
this war would be poured out upon all Nations & the Slaves would be
marshaled in battel many against their masters. And the Remnant of the Lamanites
would also go forth among the Gentiles & devour them like the Lion among the flocks
of sheep & this war would End in the Death & misery of many souls, & the
Lord would also visit the Nation with thunder & lighting & tempest & whirlwind
& pestilence & Famine & the flame of Devouring fire & the Lord would visit all
the Nations of the Earth with these Judgments untill the Earth was clensed
from the wickednesss & abominations which now reign & the Blood of the Saints
& prophets which had been shed upon the Earth should fully be avenged And Now
Brother Ozem let me tell you in the Name of Jesus Christ that the Lord has commenced
to fulfill these Revelations upon the United Stats & he has commenced a controversy
with all Nations & He will never scease untill He has accomplished his purposes
and fulfilled his words & though the Heavens & Earth pass away not one jot or tittle of his
words will fall unfulfilled & the time is at hand when Evry man who will not take
his sword against his Neighbor will have to loose his life or flee to zion for safety
the world will not Believe this Nevertheless they will soon see it. The Church & kingdom of
God is shup up here in these chambers of the mountains & here we will Remain untill
the indignation of the Lord passes over, then we shall Return to Jackson County
Missouri & build up Zion & the Great Temple of our God in that Land upon
the conescrated spot, & this the Latter Day Saints will do as true as God lives