As I have occupied one of two pages as you will find in other
letters in conversing about temporal matters & things of miner consequene I feel
disposed to fill this page in expressing my feelings unto you upon the great plan
of Salvation, sumthing of my present expectations & an account of the work in this
Land. When I take into consideration the day & generation in which we live even in this
last dispensation & fullness of times, the awful calamity that awaits the gentile
Nations of the present age, The Allmighty work of God that is to be accomplised before
the Comeing of Christ, the esstablishing of Jerrusalem in her power, & Zion in her
glory, the pruning of the vineyard once more for the last tine, & form some small
view of those greater misteries & glories of the Celestial Kingdom which are not lawful to
be w[ri]tten & are yet to be revealed, & having a dispensation of the gospel committed unto
me in common with my Brethe which is ^to^ accomplish the great work of God which
he has set has hand, ^to do^ I say when I comprehend these things I do not summon words
that God has call us to make such great sacrafices in these last days, I now see the
greater the sacrafice the greater the crown ^^ The ancient Saints of God have been called
to make great sacrifices that they might comprehend a Selestial Glory, then if
we enjoy the same glory we are called to make a sacrafise also, & have we
not done it, yes verily we have equal to any people that ever lived according to the tine
we have been a people, or church of Christ I cannot make a greater sacrafise
than the society of my wife & family ^children^ but notwithstanding this sacrifice is of of the
keenest kind to my wife as well as myself yet does my Bosomfriend in her heart
ever for a moment wish me to scease doing the will of God, or in the least to tarnish
our future & eternal glory, or to dim our crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord-
Jesus No I will not for a moment believe it. Then my Dear friend & companion still
continue patient untill my return which will be as soon as is the will of God
though we are seperated a few days here yet we shall reign & live together 1000 years
with the children which God shall give us & also with our Lord Jesus Christ &
we shall also enjoy each other society in a Celestial Kingdom to part no more
We now laying the foundation here of a great work even directly or indirectly
among all the gentile Nations. M ^our^ present intention is to spend the winter in Europe
& return to Commerce in the Spring it is a great voyage & journey from Montrose to England & as we are hear it appears to be wisdom & the will of God
As I have occupied one of two pages as you will find in other
letters in conversing about temporal matters & things of miner consequene I feel
disposed to fill this page in expressing my feelings unto you upon the great plan
of Salvation, sumthing of my present expectations & an account of the work in this
Land. When I take into consideration the day & generation in which we live even in this
last dispensation & fullness of times, the awful calamity that awaits the gentile
Nations of the present age, The Allmighty work of God that is to be accomplised before
the Comeing of Christ, the esstablishing of Jerrusalem in her power, & Zion in her
glory, the pruning of the vineyard once more for the last tine, & form some small
view of those greater misteries & glories of the Celestial Kingdom which are not lawful to
be written & are yet to be revealed, & having a dispensation of the gospel committed unto
me in common with my Brethe which is to accomplish the great work of God which
he has set has hand, to do I say when I comprehend these things I do not summon words
that God has call us to make such great sacrafices in these last days, I now see the
greater the sacrafice the greater the crown [FIGURE] The ancient Saints of God have been called
to make great sacrifices that they might comprehend a Selestial Glory, then if
we enjoy the same glory we are called to make a sacrafise also, & have we
not done it, yes verily we have equal to any people that ever lived according to the tine
we have been a people, or church of Christ I cannot make a greater sacrafise
than the society of my wife & children but notwithstanding this sacrifice is of of the
keenest kind to my wife as well as myself yet does my Bosomfriend in her heart
ever for a moment wish me to scease doing the will of God, or in the least to tarnish
our future & eternal glory, or to dim our crown of rejoicing in the day of the LordJesus No I will not for a moment believe it. Then my Dear friend & companion still
continue patient untill my return which will be as soon as is the will of God
though we are seperated a few days here yet we shall reign & live together 1000 years
with the children which God shall give us & also with our Lord Jesus Christ &
we shall also enjoy each other society in a Celestial Kingdom to part no more
We now laying the foundation here of a great work even directly or indirectly
among all the gentile Nations. our present intention is to spend the winter in Europe
& return to Commerce in the Spring it is a great voyage & journey from
Montrose to England & as we are hear it appears to be wisdom & the will of God
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"Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 17 July 1840," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,