O Lord let the of thine everlasting gospel spedily go to all the gentile
Nations when they count themselves unworthy of Eternal life may the law be
learned & testimony sealed in their midst that they be left without excuse
May Israel spedily return & seak the Lord his God & thy goodness in the Latter day
let the prayer of the widow & the cry of the orphan assend into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth
let the Heavens witness their tears & record them on high untill the Allmighty shall
come out of his hiding place & avenge those Widows & Orphans of the Spilt Blood
of their husbands & fathers which was shed by the Iron hand of the Inhabitants
of for the word of God & the testimony of Jesus Christ. Let the Americ
an Nation spedily learn that there is a God in Israel who holds the destinies
of all Nations & at whose command goes forth the Issues of life & Death. O
Lord cloth thy Saints with Salvation & thine elders with the power of God
Let thy special witnesses be swift to the Nations of the Earth. Let council
wisdom & the fear of God rest upon them untill all thy purposes are accomplised
concerning them which thou dost Deign to perform Give thy prophets wisdom means
& power to esstablish Zion & her Stakes to be throne down no more forever
but to remain as an asylum & a place of refuge for the honest in [page torn]
thee meek of the earth from the gathering storm which is about to fall [page torn]
the heads of this generation. Which is the prayer of your companion
W Woodruff
NB I shall expect all of my letters here after to be forwaded to 149 Oldham Road
write often as you can & give me all the news. give my respets to Sister
& all the friends to Broth Haw family & all the Saints who inquire
to the presidency, & Bishops, & Elders, priests, Teachers, Deacons, & Saints, was glad
to hear our friends were well in & you are now passing
through the sickly season wish I knew how you are getting along these days. Well my
Dear Phebe let us be as patient as we can our sufferings will soon be ore
& we will have a long time of rest. it is a great consolation to my feelings to see
you so willing to endure these things you shall not loose your reward & you
will one day rejoice that you have past though these things. two lettes which you wrote
to me I have not yet obtained I am now looking for Elder evry day. I
made some extracts from your last letter for the Star by request of
Elder Write as soon as you get this I think it would be well for you
to have a house built in if you can get one. I shall try to
bring home some means with me for you when I come if possible. I think
of calling upon our friends in Maine on my return continue to pray for me
I will constatly remember you before a throne of grace. Willford
I dont know as you can make out my writing I have no time to write ownly in great heast & not time to
[p◊◊◊◊◊◊ate] hardly look them over but read what you can & I will read the rest when I come
O Lord let the fulness of thine everlasting gospel spedily go to all the gentile
Nations when they count themselves unworthy of Eternal life may the law be
learned & testimony sealed in their midst that they be left without excuse
May Israel spedily return & seak the Lord his God & thy goodness in the Latter day
let the prayer of the widow & the cry of the orphan assend into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth
let the Heavens witness their tears & record them on high untill the Allmighty shall
come out of his hiding place & avenge those Widows & Orphans of the Spilt Blood
of their Martered husbands & fathers which was shed by the Iron hand of the Inhabitants
of for the word of God & the testimony of Jesus Christ. Let the Americ
an Nation spedily learn that there is a God in Israel who holds the destinies
of all Nations & at whose command goes forth the Issues of life & Death. O
Lord cloth thy Saints with Salvation & thine elders with the power of God
Let thy special witnesses be swift to the Nations of the Earth. Let council
wisdom & the fear of God rest upon them untill all thy purposes are accomplised
concerning them which thou dost Deign to perform Give thy prophets wisdom means
& power to esstablish Zion & her Stakes to be throne down no more forever
but to remain as an asylum & a place of refuge for the honest in page torn
thee meek of the earth from the gathering storm which is about to fall page torn
the heads of this generation. Which is the prayer of your companion
W Woodruff
NB I shall expect all of my letters here after to be forwaded to 149 Oldham Road
write often as you can & give me all the news. give my respets to Sister
& all the friends to Broth family & all the Saints who inquire
to the presidency, & Bishops, & Elders, priests, Teachers, Deacons, & Saints, was glad
to hear our friends were well in & you are now passing
through the sickly season wish I knew how you are getting along these days. Well my
Dear Phebe let us be as patient as we can our sufferings will soon be ore
& we will have a long time of rest. it is a great consolation to my feelings to see
you so willing to endure these things you shall not loose your reward & you
will one day rejoice that you have past though these things. two lettes which you wrote
to me I have not yet obtained I am now looking for Elder evry day. I
made some extracts from your last letter for the Star by request of
Elder Write as soon as you get this I think it would be well for you
to have a house built in if you can get one. I shall try to
bring home some means with me for you when I come if possible. I think
of calling upon our friends in Maine on my return continue to pray for me
I will constatly remember you before a throne of grace. Willford
I dont know as you can make out my writing I have no time to write ownly in great heast & not time to
p◊◊◊◊◊◊ate hardly look them over but read what you can & I will read the rest when I come