Jan 1, 1890
I spent the day looking over my Journal and making
a synopsis of the same I was at the farm & had company
~ Thursday
2. I went to the Gardo & spent the night & day Brother George Q Cannon had a fall down stairs which hurt
him much in the back and hips I went down to his house
and administered to him it was a vary cold day 2nd I went to the Gardo & signed 28 Recommends I
Received 15 Letters I wrote 2 Letters
~ Friday
3 I signed 6 Recommends I Received 3 Letters I wrote
6 pub[lic] letters I went to the farm
6. I went to the Gardo and signed 38 Recommends
I received 16 Letters I wrote 34 Letters 3 pub[lic] to Sarah
~ Tuesday
7. I signed 7 Recommends I signed received
4 Letters I wrote 5 public Letters I signed 10 sheets of ZCMI Stock I met with the Desert Land Company
~ Wednesday
8 I signed 8 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote 3 public Letters I Attended the Dedication
of Charles H Wilken House & took supper we
had Beautiful Music & singing
~ Thursday
9 I signed 16 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I signed 5 pub[lic] letters
~ Friday
10 A snow storm this Morning I signed 13 Recommends
I received 5 Letters I wrote 2 letters, 1 to Mary $20.
I Met with the Board of Z.C.M.I. we also Met with
the Brethren & Architect and discussed the subject of Heating
the Temple whether with Hot water or with steam
~ Wednesday
Jan 1, 1890
I spent the day looking over my Journal and making
a synopsis of the same I was at the farm & had company
~ Thursday
2. I went to the Gardo & spent the night & day Brother
George Q Cannon had a fall down stairs which hurt
him much in the back and hips I went down to his house
and administered to him it was a vary cold day
2nd I went to the Gardo & signed 28 Recommends I
Received 15 Letters I wrote 2 Letters
~ Friday
3 I signed 6 Recommends I Received 3 Letters I wrote
6 public letters I went to the farm
6. I went to the Gardo and signed 38 Recommends
I received 16 Letters I wrote4 Letters 3 public to Sarah
~ Tuesday
7. I signed 7 Recommends I received
4 Letters I wrote 5 public Letters I signed 10 sheets of
ZCMI Stock I met with the Desert Land Company
~ Wednesday
8 I signed 8 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I wrote 3 public Letters I Attended the Dedication
of Charles H Wilken House & took supper we
had Beautiful Music & singing
~ Thursday
9 I signed 16 Recommends I received 13 Letters
I signed 5 public letters
~ Friday
10 A snow storm this Morning I signed 13 Recommends
I received 5 Letters I wrote 2 letters, 1 to Mary $20.
I Met with the Board of Z.C.M.I. we also Met with
the Brethren & Architect and discussed the subject of Heating
the Temple whether with Hot water or with steam
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," January 1, 1890 - January 10, 1890, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/83Rl