July 155 1890
The Brethren who returned brought a bundle of papers I spent
most of the Day reading Salt Lake Papers
~ Wednesday
126. I spent most of the Day in camp. Owen & others went fishing
Owen caugh 6 vary fine trout & killed half a Dozen [chickens]
~ Thursday
17[FIGURES] we packed up to go home as a company we had lost
3 Horses and in order to take our waggon we had to Harness
a pair of young Horses that Had not been worked together and
we had to draw up a waggon with 10000lb on up the west
Hill on the road and they baulked so badly they could not
draw the waggon up and they were baucked on the side
of a Hill whare there was danger of going into the Webber
River And I took hold of the wheel to lift & while
doing so sumthing gave way in the calf of my leg And
I could not bear any weight upon it without great
pain it took two person to get me to my carriage I could
not walk at all we drove to Rockport & Nooned with
Br Hor Horton there we had a light shower we then
drove over the Mountains to Wm Kimballs & beated [bated]
our team & then Drove over the Mountain home to
our farm & arivd at 11:30 Distance of the Day 60 Mils
I was vary lame
~ Friday
18 I arose vary lame this morning I wrote a Note to
Brother G. Q. Cannon and He & Brother H B Clawson
called to see me & I got my Male of Letters & Papers
~ Saturday
19. Dr Joseph Richards called upon me today and
Examind my Leg He could not find that any bones
were broaken I am better to day. The other Team came in
all safe and we unloaded I receivd my Male
~ Tuesday
July 15 1890
The Brethren who returned brought a bundle of papers I spent
most of the Day reading Salt Lake Papers
~ Wednesday
16. I spent most of the Day in camp. Owen & others went fishing
Owen caugh 6 vary fine trout & killed half a Dozen chickens
~ Thursday
17 FIGURES we packed up to go home as a company we had lost
3 Horses and in order to take our waggon we had to Harness
a pair of young Horses that Had not been worked together and
we had to draw up a waggon with 10000lb on up the west
Hill on the road and they baulked so badly they could not
draw the waggon up and they were baucked on the side
of a Hill whare there was danger of going into the Webber
River And I took hold of the wheel to lift & while
doing so sumthing gave way in the calf of my leg And
I could not bear any weight upon it without great
pain it took two person to get me to my carriage I could
not walk at all we drove to Rockport & Nooned with
Br Hor Horton there we had a light shower we then
drove over the Mountains to Wm Kimballs & bated
our team & then Drove over the Mountain home to
our farm & arivd at 11:30 Distance of the Day 60 Mils
I was vary lame
~ Friday
18 I arose vary lame this morning I wrote a Note to
Brother G. Q. Cannon and He & Brother H B Clawson
called to see me & I got my Male of Letters & Papers
~ Saturday
19. Dr Joseph Richards called upon me today and
Examind my Leg He could not find that any bones
were broaken I am better to day. The other Team came in
all safe and we unloaded I receivd my Male
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," July 15, 1890 - July 19, 1890, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/LZjW