Altitude of the summitMount is 8300 feet. We Met
Mr Beckwith He wanted the Mormon to vote for him
we passed Cheyenne at Noon we arived at Denver
at 8 oclok Evening staid 2 Hours we arived at Lejonla
15 We travelled through Colorado and New Mexico
we dined at Lamy we arived at Santife
in the Evening. This is the oldest City in America
we visited the oldest cathedrial in Ameica
& we went into the oldest House in America
& we saw the oldest Bell cast in 1356, a fine
tone and brought from spain we had an inter-
view with Govornor Axtel we spent the Evening together
it was a happy interview
~ Saturday
16th We left Santifee at 6 oclok we travelled through the day
and arived at Manasasa at 6 oclk & stopd with S S Smith
Altitude of the summit is 8300 feet. We Met
Mr Beckwith He wanted the Mormon to vote for him
we passed Cheyenne at Noon we arived at Denver
at 8 oclok Evening staid 2 Hours we arived at Lejonla
15 We travelled through Colorado and New Mexico
we dined at Lamy we arived at Santife
in the Evening. This is the oldest City in America
we visited the oldest cathedrial in Ameica
& we went into the oldest House in America
& we saw the oldest Bell cast in 1356, a fine
tone and brought from spain we had an interview with Govornor Axtel we spent the Evening together
it was a happy interview
~ Saturday
16th We left Santifee at 6 oclok we travelled through the day
and arived at Manassa at 6 oclk & stopd with S S Smith
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," August 12, 1890 - August 16, 1890, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025,