May 15, 1890
I signed 31 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Owen & Sarah I met with Z.C.M.I. Board & with the Twelve & Bishopric upon
the subject of the granite Quiry [quarry] I met with I
Trumbo & others 6 M[iles]
~ Friday
16 I signed 3 Recommends I received 11 Letter
I wrote 2 Letters one to Tabby I had a visit from
my Daughter Susan C Scholes with her Youngest Daughter
18 Sunday In company with sister Zina & Emma I wrotde [rode] to Cotton wood and administered
to Sister Priscindia Kimball who had fallen out
of a waggon and nearly killed I also administered
to another sick sister we then returned to the City & Administerd to Sister Bathsheba
Smith who fell out of the waggon at the same
time that Sister Kimball did & both badly hurt
~ Monday
May 19. The Spupreme Court of the United States
Decided to day Against the Church of Jesus Christ
of latter Day Saints. They Decided to Escheat all
the Church Property Real & Personal This is turning
the last that will seal the condemnation of this
Nation I signed 49 Recommends I received
33 Letters I signed 9 Public Letters I attended the Theater in the Evening I had an interview with Susan C. Scholes & took her to Clara's 6 mils
~ Tuesday
20 I signed 32 Recommends I receivd 16 Letters I wrote 2 Letter to Sarah &c 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday
May 15, 1890
I signed 31 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 3 Letters to Owen & Sarah I met with
Z.C.M.I. Board & with the Twelve & Bishopric upon
the subject of the granite Quiry I met with I
Trumbo & others 6 Miles
~ Friday
16 I signed 3 Recommends I received 11 Letter
I wrote 2 Letters one to Tabby I had a visit from
my Daughter Susan C Scholes with her Youngest Daughter
18 Sunday In company with sister Zina & Emma
[FIGURE] I rode to Cotton wood and administered
to Sister Priscindia Kimball who had fallen out
of a waggon and nearly killed I also administered
to another sick sister we then returned to the
City & Administerd to Sister Bathsheba
Smith who fell out of the waggon at the same
time that Sister Kimball did & both badly hurt
~ Monday
May 19. The Supreme Court of the United States
Decided to day Against the Church of Jesus Christ
of latter Day Saints. They Decided to Escheat all
the Church Property Real & Personal This is turning
the last [FIGURE] key that will seal the condemnation of this
Nation I signed 49 Recommends I received
33 Letters I signed 9 Public Letters I attended the
Theater in the Evening I had an interview with
Susan C. Scholes & took her to Clara's 6 mils
~ Tuesday
20 I signed 32 Recommends I receivd 16 Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letter to Sarah &c 6 Miles
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," May 15, 1890 - May 20, 1890, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 29, 2024,