Elias Smith has been Probate Judge of Salt Lake County
for 31 years He was a good Judge of Law, He was
also President of the High Priest Quorum Few such Men
as Elias Smith have Ever Lived on the Earth we have been
associated together for Many years It seems to me that
I am left almost alone on the Earth I Expect my time is
not far off I had an interviedw with Elias Smith He
spoke of the death of his Father
~ Monday
25 I signed 52 Recommends I received 40 Letters I wrote 6 Public Letters & 1 to Jaques I was in
council with the Twelve most of the day upon the
subject of a settlement of our Law suit I spent
the night wat Wm H Riters
~ Tuesday
26 I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters I received $100 for Asahel H Woodruff it was
Endorsed on his Note ^^ I was in council with
7 ^of^ the Twelve at the Gordo from 9 oclok untill Midnight
for the purpose of settling our street rail Road
affair with Francis Armstrong And all of
the seven voted to confirm the sale of the Rail
Road to Francis Armstrong and He was to
Pay $51000 to Dyer the Receiver in cash
instead of the stock H J Grant voted {further protest await the people}
Elias Smith has been Probate Judge of Salt Lake County
for 31 years He was a good Judge of Law, He was
also President of the High Priest Quorum Few such Men
as Elias Smith have Ever Lived on the Earth we have been
associated together for Many years It seems to me that
I am left almost alone on the Earth I Expect my time is
not far off I had an interview with Elias Smith He
spoke of the death of his Father
~ Monday
25 I signed 52 Recommends I received 40 Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote 6 Public Letters & 1 to Jaques I was in
council with the Twelve most of the day upon the
subject of a settlement of our Law suit I spent
the nightat Wm H Riters
~ Tuesday
26 I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
[FIGURE] I received $100 for Asahel H Woodruff it was
Endorsed on his Note [FIGURE] I was in council with
7 of the Twelve at the Gordo from 9 oclok untill Midnight
for the purpose of settling our street rail Road
affair with Francis Armstrong And all of
the seven voted to confirm the sale of the Rail
Road to Francis Armstrong and He was to
Pay $51000 to Dyer the Receiver in cash
instead of the stock H J Grant voted {further protest await the people}
~ Wednesday
27 FIGURES This is the Aniversary of the Marterdom
of Joseph & Hyrum Smith. I signed 65 Recommends
I received 50 Letters I wrote 6 Letters we had an interview
F S Richards & A M Cannon
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," June 24, 1888 - June 27, 1888, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/16xG