the same day the following to the com-
mitte of the mob.
21st, June, 1834.
Gentlemen: —
Your propositions
of Monday last have been generally
made known to our people, and
we are instructed to inform you
that they cannot be acceeded to.
Honorable propositions to you are
now making on our part, and we
think we shall be enable to deliver the
same to you the early part of next
We are happy to have it in our
power to give you assurances that
our brethren here together with those
who have arrived from the east are
unanimously disposed to make every
sacrifice for an honorable adjustment
of our differences that could be requir-
ed of free citizens of the United States.
Negotiations at the camp are now
going on between some gentlemen of
this county and our brethren, which
are calculated to allay the great
excitement in your county. We are
informed that the citizens of Jackson
the same day the following to the committe of the mob.
21st, June, 1834.
Gentlemen: —
Your propositions
of Monday last have been generally
made known to our people, and
we are instructed to inform you
that they cannot be acceded to.
Honorable propositions to you are
now making on our part, and we
think we shall be enable to deliver the
same to you the early part of next
We are happy to have it in our
power to give you assurances that
our brethren here together with those
who have arrived from the east are
unanimously disposed to make every
sacrifice for an honorable adjustment
of our differences that could be required of free citizens of the United States.
Negotiations at the camp are now
going on between some gentlemen of
this county and our brethren, which
are calculated to allay the great
excitement in your county. We are
informed that the citizens of Jackson