by our enemies for our religion, and
that we had come one thousand
miles to assist our brethren to bring
them clothing, &c and to reinstate them
upon their own lands, and that we
had no intention to molest or injure
any people, but to administer to the
wants of our afflicted friends; and
that the evil reports circulated about
us were false and got up by our
enemies to procure our destruction.
When had closed a lengthy speech
the spirit of which melted them into
compassion they arose and offered me
their hands and said they would
use their influence to allay the excite-
ment which every where prevailed aga-
inst us, and they wept when they
heard of our afflictions and perse-
cutions and that our intentions were
good. Accordingly they went forth
among the people and made unwear-
ied exertions to allay the excitement.
Bris. and
were ^(are)^ sick with the cholera. was taken sick today (this is
fulfillment of the prophecy given June
3rd). The brethren in wrote
by our enemies for our religion, and
that we had come one thousand
miles to assist our brethren to bring
them clothing, &c and to reinstate them
upon their own lands, and that we
had no intention to molest or injure
any people, but to administer to the
wants of our afflicted friends; and
that the evil reports circulated about
us were false and got up by our
enemies to procure our destruction.
When had closed a lengthy speech
the spirit of which melted them into
compassion they arose and offered me
their hands and said they would
use their influence to allay the excitement which every where prevailed against us, and they wept when they
heard of our afflictions and persecutions and that our intentions were
good. Accordingly they went forth
among the people and made unwearied exertions to allay the excitement.
Bris. and
(are) sick with the cholera. was taken sick today (this is
fulfillment of the prophecy given June
3rd). The brethren in wrote